Saturday, January 18, 2014

Homemade Gifts

As I already mentioned, before Thanksgiving I made this monkey set with this drawstring bag for Rocky and Mae.

All the older nephews got a Christmas version of If you're happy and you know it with a little drawstring bag to store them in. Because what gift would be complete without a drawstring bag? Printable here.

Corbyn got a homemade Batman cape. I used this pattern for the Batman logo and this tutorial for the cape itself. It was pretty simple and came together quickly. 

He asks to wear it almost every day. And he was so excited to wear it (and his Batman shirt) to his friend Rhys' Batman birthday party! When did he get so grown up?! 

I made this prophet block for my mass homemade gift. I got the idea here, but adapted it to be on a block rather than in a frame. I couldn't get the font for prophet to install on my computer, so Jared got it installed on his computer and helped me with that part. After I got the picture designed, all I had to do was print it out at Costco, paint the edges and back of the block black, glue the picture on, and cover the picture with texture cream from the Wood Connection. I just love that stuff! It seals the picture and gives it a nice canvas texture! 

I made this tag to go with it.

And that's the 2013 version of homemade Christmas gift giving!


  1. WOOT! to my creative daughter!

    Nice Batman cape Corby!

    I got a President Monson block of my very own - thanks again dear Shauna!

  2. Wow, you are talented. I love the We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet block, such a great gift idea!
