Saturday, April 12, 2014

Six on Saturday

1. I finished my 4th book of the year, Little Princes. It is about a man who spends a few months volunteering at an orphanage in Nepal and ends up making it his life mission to bring home the lost children of Nepal. It was excellent.

2. Taylor got us free preview tickets (through his work) to the Museum of Natural Curiosity at Thanksgiving Point. It was fun to get to go before it opens to the public. The kids had a great time and I'm sure we'll be back!

3. Peyton learned to ride her tricycle this week! She's not a pro yet, but she'll get there with a little more practice.

4. I finished our taxes this week. We are feeling very blessed to be getting a very substantial refund - thanks to the Earned Income Credit and the Child Tax Credit, much more than we had deducted!

5. We had some errands to run up in Orem yesterday. We decided to pack a picnic lunch and visit a park while we were up there. It was the perfect way to enjoy the beautiful weather. (And how adorable is Peyton in that outfit?!)

6. We went on a fun date with the Woods and the Petrosinos last night. We played frisbee golf and went to Waffle Love for dessert. I wasn't terribly excited about the frisbee golf part, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would! We all had terrible frisbees and none of us were any good, so it was just fun.

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