Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring Crafting

Last Monday night I watched the General Women's Meeting with my mom. (We missed it live because we were out to eat with the Riries.) While we watched I put together these Easter blocks from the Wood Connection.

I loved the paper, so I decided to make a bunny and carrot banner out of it. I cut the bunnies and carrots out on my Silhouette (with Corbyn's help while Peyton was napping), glued some puff balls on for the tails, and taped them to some string. Easy, quick, and pretty darn adorable! (If I do say so myself!)

I tweaked a few things on my table and I love how it all came together.

I'm usually finishing up crafts at the end of the month (and then immediately packing them away), so it was nice I was able to get these done early to enjoy them all month long!

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