Thursday, May 15, 2014


Now that Peyton's birthday is the day before our anniversary, our anniversary always ends up being a little (ok, a lot) overshadowed.

We knew we wouldn't be able to celebrate on our actual anniversary with it being a Sunday, so we celebrated Friday night before Peyton's birthday. We went out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. We split the Grilled Chicken Tostada Salad and we actually decided to get Thai Lettuce Wraps for an appetizer instead of getting dessert. (I know it sounds crazy, but we are always disappointed with our cheesecake there.) It was an excellent choice because our salad and the lettuce wraps were both amazing!

On Sunday we hardly saw each other at all! Rog had even more meetings than normal and it was his week to count tithing. My parents took care of dinner which was nice because I was totally burnt out after doing Easter, joy school, and Peyton's birthday all in one week! 


  1. That happens to us every year with our anniversary being right before Christmas when I'm totally frazzled getting Christmas preparations done! Never heard that before, have you? Hee hee

    Love the selfie photo :)


  2. Sorry you couldn't make it to supper when G-Ma and I actually did....missed you!

    You look adorable in your pink hat on instagram...which I love, by the way!

  3. Yes, you did have a busy week! Glad you got some time together.
