Friday, May 2, 2014


We had a fun Easter weekend full of egg hunts and all the other fun things that go with Easter!

On Saturday we went up to Salt Lake for a little lunch/egg hunt put on by Roger's program at the U. There was good food catered by Dickey's BBQ and it was fun to meet some of the people Rog talks about from his program.

Corbyn knew right what to do when it came time for the egg hunt.

Peyton picked up one egg and was too distracted by the piece of chocolate inside to go find more.

After that we went up to my Grandma Ford's for an egg hunt there.

After dinner we dyed eggs.

It was fun to have Grandma and Grandpa join us. 

And Jared too - especially since he was in the middle of finals! 

Easter morning Peyton woke up before Corbyn and wanted to go downstairs to eat, but she got distracted by her basket and had a Reese's egg for breakfast. Can't say I really blame her though!

She also got a Snow White bookLittle Critter Numbers, a Minnie Itty Bitty, and a couple new Little People Princess packs that she didn't already have. 

Corbyn woke up a little later and came down to find his basket. He got a Planes book, A is for Apple, a Batman Itty Bitty, a Batman movie, and a Planes Runway Flyers toy

Corbyn was so excited to go up to sing with the Primary during Sacrament meeting (although I don't think he actually sang the song).

After church we took a family picture in our Easter outfits.

And then the kids got to do another egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Taylor and Martha joined us for dinner. We had a Costco ham, funeral potatoes, rolls, jello salad, a green salad (that Martha brought), banana slush punch, and carrot cake - it's not Easter without carrot cake!

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