Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Rest of May

Time to get serious about getting caught up! Here's a look at the rest of May in pictures.

Rog started his internship. He's liking it a lot, but the commute not so much - he is really missing being able to ride Frontrunner and TRAX. We're hoping this summer's internship is a stepping stone to getting a paid internship next summer somewhere a little closer to home. (Like at UVRMC - that would be ideal!) His hours aren't too bad, but our weekends are now seeming a lot shorter as he no longer has Fridays off!

We've been adjusting to our "summer schedule" which includes blowing up millions of water balloons, getting out the water table and pool, picnics, and playing at nearby parks/splash pads.

I planted some flowers. I did one pot with flowers I bought pre-grown and my other 4 pots with seeds I got from my friend, Kelli. They are all coming in quite nicely!

Our Arby's had a grand reopening after doing some remodeling. They had a bounce house (that Peyton could not get enough of!)...

A clown who did tricks and a guy making balloon creations for the kids (Corbyn got a hot dog and Peyton got a bear)...

As well as free sandwiches and samples of their new summer shake. 

We visited our Spanish Fork splash pad for the first time this summer.

The kids played so well together and Rog and I just sat back and watched them for awhile. Then we joined them (in our street clothes) and got a little wet.

Rog taught them how to lay on the concrete to dry off.

That night our ward had a mother-son superhero activity. Rog made a guest appearance as Spiritual Superhero at the end. He talked to the boys about fighting Satan by reading their scriptures.  

After a lot of the boys wanted to take their picture with him - our very own celebrity!

I decided to be brave and take the kids to IKEA by myself to get some furniture for Corbyn's room. We went on a Tuesday, so the kids could eat free.

I didn't take into consideration how big and heavy the boxes would be. I managed to get them to the car by myself, but had a little help (from a kind passing stranger) getting the bookcase box loaded in the car!

Rog happened to have the next day off, so we got them put together with a little help from our cute neighbor Brynn who I was watching for a few hours.

I still have some work to do on these, but here's the bookcase...

And the dresser.

A few days later I got these alphabet zoo stickers put up all the way around the room. (I'm doing an alphabet zoo theme for his room.)

And Rog helped me get the curtains hung.

Mike, Dixie, and Marti were in town for a very quick visit. We had dinner with them at Cafe Rio. Grandma Dixie came with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle for Corbyn and a doll in a cute little bag for Peyton. She also gave Corbyn some money to spend for his birthday. He picked out a pack of superheroes and he's going to use the rest to get the Lego Movie when it comes out on his actual birthday.

We had a very packed Memorial Day. We started with the Ririe pancake breakfast up Millcreek Canyon. The kids had a great time exploring with Corbyn as the leader.

After visiting my Grandpa Ford's grave and having lunch with my Grandma Ford, we drove home (stopping at the Carter's outlet on the way). The kids got in a nap and were just too cute not to document!

We visited my Grandma Joan's grave and then finished off the day with a barbecue to kick off summer with Bill, Mariah, my parents, and the Jar.

We've started going to the Springville splash pad with friends about once a week. Corbyn and Rhys have a great time playing together there.

And Peyton kind of loves having my undivided attention while the boys play.

We had a little graduation party with our joy school group. I made graduation cupcakes with graduation hats made out of Reese's Cups, mini Ghirardelli squares, pull 'n' peel licorice, and M&M's minis. They weren't too difficult, but turned out pretty darn cute. 

Some of the other moms had put together graduation hats for them to wear and little diplomas.

Corbyn has been working on earning a scooter by doing chores around the house. Our door knobs have never been so clean!

One morning Corbyn found some stickers that were left over from joy school and wanted to make me something with them. 

Even though we already had our joy school graduation, we had one more field trip scheduled at a farm here in Spanish Fork. Peyton got to tag along and enjoyed holding some baby kitties. She looks a little unsure here, but she really did love it!

Saturday morning we cleaned out our garage. Peyton thought it was funny to sit in her old car seat and dolly got to try out the Bumbo!

We got it organized, so all the summer stuff is easily accessible.

The Woods were jumping on their tramp with the sprinkle under and invited us over. I think Peyton's favorite part was drinking out of the sprinkler.

We hadn't gotten in our date night for the month, so we had my parents watch the kids while we got a snow cone and then we watched Captain Phillips after putting the kids to bed.

And that's what we've been up to since getting home from Disneyland!


  1. Looks like you have been having some really good times!

    Love the pic of PJ with the ginger kitten...we have a ginger cat you can have....wait, i would miss him too much , he is my only friend1

  2. You had an exciting month. I can't believe that May flew by so quickly!

    Cute photos :)

    I would hope you would count me in as your friend Tracy!

  3. Those cupcakes are so so cute! I'll have to remember them for future graduations.
