Saturday, June 7, 2014

Six on Saturday

1. With Corbyn's insane obsession with water balloons we've tried just about every kind of water balloon filler on the market. We never were able to find one that worked well and lasted. On a whim, Rog picked up this sprayer from the garden department at Walmart for less than $3. It isn't made for water balloons, so you kind of have to hold them on with your thumb while filling them, but it works like a charm, doesn't squirt all over the place, and has made my life 100% easier.

2. After a lot of insisting from Rog, I tried Peyton's hair in pigtails again this week. I wasn't sure it would work, but gave it a try and was very pleased with the results! She looks so grown up!

3. The kids and I went to Seven Peaks with Grandma and Grandpa for the first time this summer. We went Tuesday morning and it was so perfect - not crowded at all! It was so nice to have extra help with the kids. It's going to be a fun summer!

4. Corbyn had his first experience being stung by a bee this week. It was quite the ordeal for our little dude (mostly because he has a tendency to overreact when he's sick or hurt). Thankfully I had bought new bandaids earlier that day and a dragon bandaid made everything better!

5. Diana and Jason welcomed little Miss Skyler Avery Hobbs into their family yesterday at 6:55 am. She weighed in at 7 pounds, 13 ounces and was 20 inches long. We can't wait to meet her!

6. Yesterday Rog was at youth conference. It was our date night week, so Kelli and I took the opportunity to have a girl's night. (Her husband is in the bishopric with Rog and was also at youth conference.) We both worked on crafts and had a great time talking. I finished this rain boot/umbrella that will be an April/May decoration. 

And also made this lemonade sign that will be a June decoration.


  1. WOOT for Roger's discovery!

    Cute lil' pony-tail PJ :)

    Sorry the bee found you Corby :(

    We are all so very excited to meet lil' Skyler :)

    Love both of your new creations!

  2. Oh . . . Seven Peaks was so fun that we went again this week :)


  3. Peytons pigtails are just too adorable!

    So sorry about Corby's encounter with the bee....ouches!!! :(

    "You are young, life has been kind to will learn....."

    "Sweeny Todd" speaking to young Jonathan

    You must see that movie! Amazing songs!


  4. What is this "whoot" word you speak of?


  5. i hope my "You are young..." quote wasn't taken out of place....sorries!
