Friday, July 11, 2014

Five on Friday

1. This week we had swim lessons every day at noon at the Spanish Fork pool. Our normal schedule has been completely thrown off, but it has been fun. (And we're looking forward to another week of it next week.) The first day Corbyn was absolutely terrified to go without me, but luckily all it took was his teacher taking his hand and leading him away for him to get over his fear. He's loved every minute of it and I can tell he's learned so much already! Peyton didn't really enjoy our mom and me class the first 3 days, but loved slide day yesterday and was way more into it today.

2. I had to get out our Halloween box to look for something and when I did, Peyton immediately saw her Tinkerbell costume from when she was 6 months old. She demanded that she wear it - including the onesie that was size 3-6 months - and a random assortment of the other stuff in the box. I took this picture after she took most of it off, but you get the idea.

3. Corbyn had an allergic reaction to one of the samples we had at Costco on the way home from swim lessons on Wednesday. (I think there must have been macadamia nut in the crust of a tart we had.) I called his doctor's office and they told me to take him to the ER. I didn't think he was that bad, so I took him to the Urgent Care that was much closer. The minute we walked in he threw up all over the lobby. (How bad is it that I was rejoicing that he didn't throw up in the car, so I didn't have to clean it up?!) They gave him some Benadryl and he was better in no time. 

4. I hosted my first book club Wednesday night. I picked Elizabeth Smart's My Story for us to read. I had been rereading it and was supposed to finish it during Peyton's nap Wednesday afternoon, but of course that didn't happen with Corbyn's Urgent Care visit. I couldn't find any discussion questions, but luckily our discussion flowed easily and I think it went very well.

5. Rog had a big presentation for a project he's been working on for his internship on Wednesday (that he rocked) and then he headed to scout camp for a day and a half of fun. It's been an insanely busy week, so we enjoyed a much-needed date night at the Central Salt Lake Clinician's Summer Social tonight! We got to go to the Deer Valley Music Festival and hear the music of John Williams (ET, Star Wars, etc).


  1. Poor Corby, things can be sooo scary with the little ones! Loved the pic of PJ in the costume that was waaaay too small, cute all the same!

    GG loves you all, has had a few lousy days, she will write when she can.

    Love you all and are looking forward to hearing all about the trip to Aurora!


  2. For book club, try "Help for the Haunted" by John Searles, out in parerback july 15, a fun October read or anything by Chris Bohjalian

    His new book is out now, but I can't read it until I lost 10 rules!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. WOOT for swimming lessons!

    Silly cute lil' PJ :)

    So sorry you have allergies Corby :(

    If I had time, I would want to read Elizabeth Smart's book - always amazed you have time to read so much!

    WOOT AWESOME THE BEST Rog! Glad to hear your presentation rocked! Looks like you enjoyed your date too!
