Friday, July 18, 2014

Five on Friday

1. We went to Seven Peaks Monday night for FHE. Peyton has become quite fearless in the water and decided she could go down this slide alone. And she did just that... over and over and over again all night long!


2. I took an afternoon off (from cleaning the house and getting dinner ready) to do some crafts. I made these star skewers...  

And finally got this Statue of Liberty (that I bought a few years ago) done.

3. Corbyn finally had his 4 year well child visit (a month after his birthday). He is in the 90th percentile for height and 70th percentile for weight. Dr. Paxton said he is one healthy dude (other than his asthma and food allergies - that we will be testing for soon). He got his last round of shots (other than a yearly flu shot) until he is 12. Poor guy came down with a fever later that afternoon and hasn't been feeling too great since. (Still trying to decide if he got a virus or if it's a side effect of the shots.)

4. We had to say goodbye to our good friends, the Petrosinos, this week. They sold their house and are moving to Arizona for Bill to get a Masters degree in Business Analytics at ASU. We sure are going to miss them, but are excited for them to start this new adventure in their lives and luckily we know we will get to see them when they visit family up here pretty regularly.

5. Today was our last day of swim lessons. Even though Corbyn wasn't feeling 100%, I decided he was well enough to go because I didn't want him to miss out on going down the slide and jumping off the diving board. He passed Preschool Level 2 and did such a good job getting outside his comfort zone to try new things.


1 comment:

  1. We are enjoying going to Seven Peaks with you and your family - Fun times for all :) Peyton is a brave little girl and we love her <3

    Love your Fourth of July Decor!

    We love you too tall and skinny Corbyn <3

    We will miss you Bill, Mariah and Charlotte!

    Corbyn was brave as well at his swimming lessons - who was the awesome photographer? hee hee
