Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Swimming Lessons

The last two days of swim lessons, Grandma came with us to take pictures. I already shared a couple of them, but she got too many good ones not to share the rest! 

Peyton and I had fun doing the mom and me class together. We'll probably end up doing it again next year because she still won't be old enough to do them by herself, but I just know she would be too upset sitting and watching Corbyn do lessons without her! 

Her favorite song was the frog song where we practiced blowing bubbles.

She resisted being dipped under the water less than Corbyn did last year, so I did it a whole lot more. By the end of the two weeks, she was doing head bobs all by herself! Down she goes... 

And up! That's my brave girl!

She also loved going down the slide on slide day.

She let me take her down a few times, but then she wanted to go down all by herself! I told her to sit on her bum, but she always ended up on her stomach somehow.

Corbyn's teacher was perfect for him. After the first day, I never had any trouble getting him to go. And he learned so much!

He waited very patiently until the last day when he got to go down the slide!

He was terrified to jump off the diving board. One of the other teachers basically picked him up and threw him to his teacher waiting below. 

He can be a huge chicken, so it's good for him to get outside his comfort zone and do things like this!

I know some people are against city swim lessons, but I've been nothing but happy with how Spanish Fork does them!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed being the swimming lesson photographer and am glad you are happy with the photos :)
