Saturday, December 6, 2014

Thanksgiving Dinner

This was my second Thanksgiving (my first Thanksgiving here), so it was a little less intimidating. I did almost everything the day before (everything that I could) which definitely helped a lot. We had a slightly bigger crowd - Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Ririe, Great Grandma Ford, Grandpa and Grandma Ririe, Rog, me, Taylor, Martha, Jared, Cailey, Corbyn, Peyton, and Mae (although she didn't eat anything). We fit two long, skinny tables in my parent's dining room, so we could all sit together.

Corbyn and Peyton got their own little table.

We covered it in kraft paper and let them color to keep them entertained a little longer while we ate - perfect because they hardly touched their food!

We didn't take any pictures of the food - major fail.


Shrimp & Cocktail Sauce (Great Grandma Ririe)

Main Meal

Pear and Pomegranate Salad (Our Best Bites' Savoring the Seasons Cookbook)
World's Best Dinner Rolls with Cinnamon Butter
Green Beans (Martha)
Turkey and Gravy


Pumpkin Pie (Cailey)
Pecan Pie (Cailey)

I've already got ideas for what I'll do differently next time I host (#1 on that list - take more pictures!), but for the most part I think it was a success!


  1. Love tis blog! I tried to post on the last on, will try again!

  2. You're awesome! I'm super impressed!

  3. You're a rockstar!! Looks amazing (not that I would expect any less of you :) )
