Sunday, January 18, 2015

Jared's Wedding

Jared and Cailey got married on January 2nd in the Mount Timpanogos Temple.

These two matching cousins were so so so cute. All day they kept saying, "We're matching!" (Peyton and Skyler were also matching, but we didn't get a picture of them together because Skyler is still so small.)

This trio had fun running around the temple grounds even though it was freezing!

And they continued running around all evening long at the dinner and reception.

They had a candy station at the reception where guests could fill up bags of candy to take home. 

It was most definitely the kids' favorite part. They carried bags around the entire night and ate way too much candy!

All the kids (especially Corbyn) danced all night long and kept us entertained! 

And the bride and groom may have done a little dancing too.

The girls.


It was a fun and very tiring day. We stayed until the very end of the reception (9:00) and then helped clean up a bit before finally heading home to crash!


  1. I am dying over Peyton's beautiful dress!


  2. I love all the photos...the kids look adorable.

    Soooooo wish I could have been to the Ring Ceremony and dinner...I hear it was quite Jewish and they even danced the Hora....sigh.
