Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Last Week

We spent our Martin Luther King Jr. Day working in the attic. Rog built some additional storage up there and we got down all the baby stuff we'll be needing in the not too distant future - baby boy clothes, toys, the swing, the car seat, and the bumbo. We also put up a big box of baby girl stuff from Peyton's nursery and a few other things we aren't using right now. 

I went through all the boy clothes and figured out what gaps I have to fill. Corbyn had very little newborn clothes and all the newborn clothes he did have are for the summer. I didn't go crazy buying newborn stuff because I have BIG babies, but I did buy a few things in hopes that Logan will be less than 10 pounds and will need to wear newborn clothes at least for a few weeks.

The kids thought it was Christmas with all the baby toys which seemed so silly to me because they are BABY toys. For a few days they were pretty entertained by them (and also fought a lot over them). I have to admit, I'm pretty relieved that they've lost interest in them now!

I posted this picture on Instagram announcing that Peyton was pretty much 100% potty trained. She filled up her sticker chart and earned all of Doc's friends and things were going so well. I should have knocked on wood because as soon as I posted it, she had a few rough days with more accidents than ever before. I think she got a little scared because a few times she had pee spray up at her, so we worked on having her lean forward a little and that solved the problem. But for a few days she was seriously testing the limits with how long she could hold it and would only go when she wanted to. Thankfully she's gotten over that and is back to her awesome potty-trained self!

On Friday night we got to go on a date to the Provo temple to do a session. It was incredibly busy and we had to park way way out in the far parking lot, but it was so nice to do a session and feel the peace that is found nowhere else.

On Saturday Rog let me go on kid-free errands for 3 whole hours. I'm in full nesting/get the nursery ready mode, so it was nice to knock out a bunch of errands in a short amount of time. After my errands we met at Olive Garden to have an early dinner with my parents. I ordered unlimited soup and salad and tried the Zuppa Toscana soup because it had the least amount of carbs of all the soups. I was very pleasantly surprised with how good it was. Especially since based on the description, I probably wouldn't have ordered that particular soup otherwise! 

When we got home we did quick baths and then had a movie night. Corbyn has been begging us to do one lately. (I can't figure out where he got the idea - we've never done one before.) We watched Despicable Me and it was a great success!

1 comment:

  1. Brynn's been playing in our baby toys too. I think all my kids have done that when they get hauled out for each new baby.

    And you'll have to try finding a knock-off recipe for zuppa toscana...my MIL makes one that is delish. I've never had it at Olive Garden but it is so, so tasty! I watched Pioneer Woman make it when I was in the hospital, maybe you could try there?
