Friday, February 20, 2015

Five on Friday

1. I finished my 3rd book of the year - Baby Proof by Emily Giffin. It was a quick, fun read about Claudia and Ben - a couple that is thrilled to have found a spouse who also doesn't want to have children. After a few years Ben changes his mind and Claudia is forced to decide what she's willing to do for love. It was an interesting read especially since I'm obviously the type that never even considered not having children.

2. We celebrated Mardi Gras with jambalaya, beignets, and Princess and the Frog. Rog had a late class, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to celebrate even if Rog's mission is the reason we started celebrating Mardi Gras in the first place!

3. I hit the 35 week mark this week which means Logan will be here in 4 weeks (exactly a month because February has 28 days this year) or less. I buckled down and finished one project a day for his nursery. I just have one project left and then it will be ready for him! I still have plenty left to do before he comes (like his quilt), but it will be nice to have the nursery done. 

(And I just love this picture of PJ kissing Baby Logan - she does it all the time and it's the sweetest thing!) 

4. Rog was scheduled to have LASIK on Thursday at 4:30 pm. A few days before, they changed his time to 6:30 am which wasn't a huge problem until his alarm failed to go off and he missed it! He was so mad and only became madder when he learned they couldn't get him in again until March 13th. He's been wearing his glasses for weeks in preparation for the surgery and is obviously not looking forward to continuing to wear them for another 3 weeks.

5. It has been unseasonably warm for the past 3 weeks or so. I know this sounds so weird (especially since all my friends are complaining about how cold it is where they live), but I'm really not ready for spring yet. Yesterday afternoon we went to the park to cheer Rog up after his LASIK fail. We had a great time, but I'm happy to report that we got a little rain this morning and it is supposed to be a little cooler this whole weekend.


  1. I love that you celebrate Mardi gras. I always tell myself I'll make beignets but I always forget. And, I love that picture of you and Peyton. Also, I kind of hate you for the nice weather you're having, but I do love seasons so I kind of understand feeling sad if you missed a season. Come here and enjoy temps in the teens and more snow this weekend!!


  2. The picture of Peyton and you and Logan is just precious. As is the final one.

    So sorry about Rog...what a disappointment.

    We have had snow...yay, this past week which has ment Snow Days for Chris...(all we need is 2-4 "...ha!)

    Back to school Monday I'm!

    Can't wait to meet USU...I mean, Logan! ;)

    Love you!
