Friday, February 13, 2015

GG's Funeral

GG's funeral was last weekend. Friday night was the viewing. 

And then Saturday afternoon was the funeral. My sister, two of her closest friends, a former bishop, and her current bishop spoke. It was a wonderful tribute to a great lady. (Her obituary here.) We will miss her, but are grateful for the knowledge that families are forever and that we can be with her again someday.

Our whole family (except Jared and Cailey who left before we took the picture). We took a similar picture at my grandpa's funeral. It's fun to see how our family has grown in just 3 1/2 years.

It was a lot of dressing up for one weekend and you should have heard Corbyn's reaction when I told him he had to get dressed up again for church Sunday morning. Oh the weeping and wailing!


  1. It's so funny how different boys and girls are. Jilly LOVES to get dressed up for church. She's my best baptism buddy because she loves an extra reason to dress up!

  2. Sweet post daughter dear :)

    Thanks mom for being so generous with our family - I am trying to follow in your footsteps and be generous with my family :)
