Monday, March 16, 2015

Weekend Highlights

*Friday night was our turn to watch the kids for our date night swap, but no one ended up bringing their kids over. So we went to our new Walmart to check it out. 

*I totally splurged on the iBaby Monitor (works with my iphone, so I can play with the kids outside while Logan is sleeping - our old monitor wouldn't even work on our front porch). So we did a little rearranging in Logan's room to have the crib in the ideal position for the camera. I also set up the pack 'n play in our room (our version of a bassinet) and moved the swing downstairs. 

*Rog's mom and sisters (Kenzie and Marti) were in town, so we had a girls night out to go see Cinderella. Even Peyton got to come! I think she would have enjoyed it more if it was earlier in the day (she was getting pretty tired near the end), but she did great all things considered. I thought it was very well done and can't wait to add it to our Disney movie collection.

*Rog and Corbyn got to join the girls for dinner at Red Robin before the movie and then they went home to watch the Avengers. Corbyn had never seen the whole thing and he loved it!

*We couldn't pass up the ultimate Pi Day (3.1415), so we picked up a pie at Village Inn. We got the limited edition Mint Brownie Blast and it was amazing! Even Rog enjoyed it and he's usually not a huge fan of mint.
As a side note, I had another NST this morning and Logan is head down again! Praying he stays that way until Wednesday, so we can skip the version and go straight to the induction! Also hoping that since he apparently has so much room in there to do all this flipping, he won't be another 10 pounder.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Stay upside down dear Logan :) so excited to meet you!

    Thanks for sharing your yummy pie with us!

    I'm excited to see Cinderella some day too :)

    Glad you are so on the ball and got everything ready for Logan's birth day!

  3. Jilly and I are dying to see Cinderella!! Glad you liked it
