Saturday, May 16, 2015

Six on Saturday

1. Rog started his internship on Monday. He's really enjoying it so far. His favorite part just might be only having a 15 minute commute and I am loving consistently having him home at 5:15 to help with dinner!

2. On Monday I made these Lemon Blueberry Pancakes for dinner for the first time. When Rog heard what we were having he said, "Why can't we just have normal pancakes for a change?" (I have been making these Whole Grain Oatmeal Pancakes a lot lately and if I have bananas to use up I'll make Banana Chocolate Chip Pancakes, so it is pretty rare that we have "normal" pancakes.) Well this time he totally had to eat his words because the Lemon Blueberry Pancakes were pretty outstanding!

3. I started what I am calling Mommy Summer School to introduce the letters to Peyton and make sure Corbyn is ready for Kindergarten. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning we take a half hour or so to "learn" a letter. We do a craft from here and practice writing the letter using a worksheet from here. Our first week was a success - on Tuesday we made alligators and on Thursday we made butterflies. 

4. Logan has been smiling for a few weeks now, but just in the past couple of days he's really started smiling a lot. He smiles with his whole face and every smile is special because they are so new.

5. For the past month or so our Costco has had a bunch of the less popular, but still good Disney movies (like Pocahontas, Lilo and Stitch, Aristocats...) for $12.99. This week I gave in and bought Mulan (with Mulan II). Mulan II is definitely one of those sequels that wasn't very good, but the kids think it's great and they've been requesting to watch both of them all week.

6. Last night Rog and Corbyn went on our ward's Fathers and Sons campout. They braved the rain and had a great time. I think Corbyn's favorite part was hunting for bears because he talked about it all day long!


  1. Mommy Summer School? I know I have said it many times, however you truly amaze me! I don't know how you do it all, but you are one of the best Mom's I know!

    So glad about Roger's new situation.

    Logan's smile...that face, that face! So cute, I want to kiss it all he's glad I'm not there! :)



  2. Hi,

    I miss your posts...I know how super busy you are though! Love the insta gram pic of Corby and his "D"...not too happy with that letter I guess. :)

