Wednesday, May 6, 2015

This and That...

And everything in between! (A photo dump of all the random events in the past month, so I can get caught up!)

Peyton went to her first birthday party for her friend, Calla. 

We dyed eggs for FHE the day after Easter. (With Easter being so early in the month, we didn't get around to it before.)

And then a few days later the kids decorated eggs with Grandma.

We have a firm no nap policy for both Peyton and Corbyn (because if they do nap, it's impossible to get them to bed). This particular day I tried so hard to wake her up, but she kept falling back asleep standing up!

Rog got the double running stroller out of storage for me. I won't be running with it until Logan is bigger and better at holding up his head, but it's been great for walks. 

Peyton got this princess scooter as an early birthday present from her Grandma Dixie while we were down in St. George with them. She loves it and has had so much fun scooting around the neighborhood on it!

One of those times Logan decided to fall asleep during tummy time...

We had a late snowstorm April 14th and 15th. Speaking of April 15th... Somewhere in here I got our taxes done and we got a huge refund.

One day I left Logan on the couch and came back to find he had somehow gotten this monkey's ear in his mouth and was sucking away happily.

We went up to Salt Lake for the MBA spring picnic at This is the Place Heritage Park. Peyton got to ride a pony and loved petting all the animals they had there.

Corbyn was afraid he'd be allergic to the animals, so he opted to hang out with his friend Rhys instead. These events have been so much more fun this year with the Woods and the Howards being in the MBA program too.

My sister came to visit for a few days, so she could meet Logan. While she was here we rented The Best of Me (I had just finished reading it and couldn't believe how much they changed for the movie!) and saw The Longest Ride (Loved it - probably because I didn't read it!) in the theater. As always, Corbyn and Peyton had the best time playing with Blake and were so sad when he had to go home.

This is Logan's old man outfit. We think it is just about the cutest thing ever!

Rog finished his tickets and got his Wood Badge beads. 

We celebrated our 8 year anniversary. We went on a quick date to Zupas for dinner with no kids (not even Logan) the Saturday before. And then on our actual anniversary Rog brought me home these gorgeous daisies and we watched our wedding video after the kids were in bed.

Corbyn graduated from preschool!

He really enjoyed it and I'm already missing the structure it brought to our mornings. Counting down the days until Kindergarten!

I'm sure I'm missing a lot, but this is at least a glimpse into the month of April. Now for Peyton's birthday...

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