Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Corbyn's Birthday

Corbyn's birthday was on a Wednesday. The days leading up to his birthday, I kept trying to ask him what he wanted to do and eat, but he insisted he didn't care. He told me he would like whatever I picked, so I just had to do my best planning what I thought he would enjoy. 

Rog had to work, but he went in a little late, so he could see Corbyn open his presents and eat breakfast with him. He got Lego Batman 3 for the PlayStation 3 (want), a batting tee (need), a BYU hat (wear), and some Bob Books (read). Lego Batman 3 has been his favorite present by far. He needs help playing it, so he can't wait until Dad gets home to play it with him!

For breakfast we had smoothies and donuts.

We got ready for the day, ran a quick errand, and then met Rog at Chick-fil-A (right across the street from UVRMC) for lunch. 

The kids played at the playground there (I'm seriously regretting it because Peyton got a cold a few days later and that's most likely where she picked it up!) and then we went to the BYU Bookstore to have Corbyn pick out his BYU hat. (I wasn't planning on it, but Peyton had to have one too. And how could I say no to a pink BYU hat?!)

We played at the Pioneer Park Splash Pad for a bit. (It was super hot, so I knew any activity we did had to involve water. And a splash pad was really my only option being alone with the 3 kids. Logan and I hung out in the shade while Corbyn and Peyton played in the water.)

Grandma and Grandpa Ririe had been in Colorado, but they drove home that day, so they joined us for dinner at our house. We had pizza and breadsticks from Papa Johns.

Corbyn opened this caterpillar sprinkler from Grandma and Grandpa and we just had to try it out. (Thanks Rachel for the idea!)

The day before we were at Walmart picking up some things for his family party and he saw some Spider-Man cupcakes that he really wanted. I convinced him to let me make a Spider-Man Sugar Cookie Bar cake instead.

He's pretty much a pro at blowing out 1 candle, but 5 all spread out was a bit of a challenge for him!

It was a super fun day celebrating our big kid! I can't believe we have a 5 year old!


  1. The Spider-Man Sugar Cookie Bar Cake was far more delicious than the Walmart cupcakes would have been! YUM YUM

    My favorite photo is the one where Corby is eating the ice cream cone :)

    Love you Corbyn - Thanks for making me a Grandma five years ago!
