Monday, June 22, 2015

Suddenly Summer

After almost an entire month of rain in May, as soon as June hit, it suddenly became summer and it has been hot!

When we got out the pool for the first time this summer, we dipped Logan's toes in and he was not happy because that water was COLD!

But he was happy to show off his favorite trick. This kid loves to stand!

It's not summer until we've had an impromptu visit to the splash pad. 

Oh to be a kid again and to not care that your clothes are soaking wet!

We've been going on walks about 3 mornings a week. We usually just go around our neighborhood, but a few times we've gone to the Spanish Fork River Trail. This time Peyton lasted about 7 minutes on her scooter and then I ended up carrying it the rest of the way, so now she is only allowed to ride her bike on our walks.

I look forward to National Donut Day every year. I can't pass up a free Krispy Kreme donut - especially when it's not just the glazed ones that are free!

Our neighborhood used to be full of friends for our kids to play with, but most of our favorites are gone now. We still have the Woods, but the Goodrichs recently moved to Heber and of course the Howards are in Arizona for the summer. Corbyn and Peyton will occasionally play with Easton Zorad and other kids that are outside, but most of the time they just play together. They like to play inside and create huge messes which I don't love, but I'm grateful they are such good friends. 

Before we know it school will be starting and we'll have a Kindergartener, so here's to a great summer!

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