Sunday, July 12, 2015

Seven on Sunday

1. We had a break from the heat this week with highs only in the 80's. It was nice to be able to take our time getting out on our morning walk and to not melt while on it! One morning we went on the Spanish Fork River Trail and Corbyn rode his bike the whole 3 miles without his training wheels. He's getting pretty good at starting by himself too.

2. Corbyn graduated from UPSTART this week! It's been great and he's learned so much, but I'm not going to lie... I was SO ready to be done with it!

3. For my dinner group this week I made Strawberry Sparkle Cake. I didn't want to take on the challenge of making an angel food cake from scratch, so I used one I purchased from Walmart. It was really good and with the store-bought shortcut, incredibly quick and easy.

4. My mother-in-law launched a new quilting business, Just In Time Quilts, this week. She provides longarm quilting service with hundreds of designs to choose from and quick turnaround time. You can mail in your quilt if you don't live in the area too! She has some great grand opening specials going this month, so go check out her website and let her personalize a quilt for you!

5. Friday night we tried out a new (to us) restaurant in Spanish Fork. It's a grill that's connected to Sub Zero Ice Cream. They have scone buns which sounded a little strange to me, but ended up being really good. We weren't planning on getting ice cream, but the kids wouldn't take no for an answer. They loved watching our ice cream be frozen with the liquid nitrogen.

6. Friday night I put together this quick craft from the Wood Connection. I sure love this be.UTAH.ful state we live in!

7. It was a big week for Logan. He discovered his feet and rolled over (from his back to his tummy) for the first time! 

1 comment:

  1. What a fun week! Congrats Corby and Logan for your accomplishments!

    Love to all <3
