Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Fiesta Days

We love Spanish Fork Fiesta Days! We took advantage of all the events we could because this is most likely the last year we will live here for them. Grandma Lori and Papa George were able to join us for most of the activities.

Children's Day Activities in the Park

The Saturday before the 24th is Kid's Day. They have a parade (which we did not attend) and then there are a bunch of fun activities for kids at City Park - fishing for prizes, hitting golf balls, throwing frisbees, etc...  

Peyton got her nails painted by a princess (the Spanish Fork royalty).

And both kids got their faces painted. Corbyn got a spider...

And Peyton got a pink kitty.

They also had a bunch of bounce toys set up.

We caught this cute candid moment when Corbyn and Peyton were waiting in line. Corbyn is always watching out for Peyton.

Movie Night

The Monday night before the 24th is Movie Night. I've always wanted to go (love me an outdoor summer movie), but this was our first year actually going. They played Big Hero 6 at the Sports Park.


We went to the Carnival Wednesday night. We bought all day passes for the kids in advance (so they were $20 instead of $30) - best idea ever! The kids rode ride after ride all night and had the best time.

 They needed to ride with an adult for a few of the rides, so we bought some extra tickets for me and Rog. We even went on one of the big kid rides without them. 

We ended up with a few extra tickets to burn, so we did one of the carnival games.

Peyton got a princess tiara...

And Corbyn got an air nerf gun thingy.

We finished off the night with an Italian Ice from one of the concession vendors at City Park. And Logan enjoyed being out of his stroller playing in the grass.

Speedy Spaniard 10K

The morning of the 24th I ran the Speedy Spaniard 10K. It was my second time running it. This year the course went along the River Trail which was fun. I finished 4th in my age group at 51:47 (8:23 average mile). Rog and the kids stayed home, but my dad came to watch me cross the finish line.

Bubble Fun

In the evening on the 24th we had a picnic at City Park and then played in bubbles. The kids had been talking about this and wanting to do it all week - so glad it did not disappoint! Rog and I had fun doing it too!

I think it was our best Fiesta Days yet!

Past Fiesta Days: 201420132012, and 2010. (2011 we were in Canada.)

1 comment:

  1. I so love the candid moment picture...so sweet! What have you done to us???? we are now watching "Pioneer Woman"!!! :)
