Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Colorado, Part 2

Since we were already halfway to Aurora, we decided to drive the rest of the way and spend the rest of the week with the Phillips.

As soon as we got to Grandma Dixie's house Tuesday night, the kids went straight for the toy room and were completely entertained for a few hours. 

The highlight of the trip was watching Grandma Dixie machine quilt Logan's quilt. Her machine is incredible - it was so cool to watch it in action! (Now I just have to find time to finish binding it and it will be officially finished!)

Wednesday night Grandma Dixie watched our kids (while they were asleep), so we could finally use our movie passes that we got from her for Christmas a few years ago to see Jurassic World.

Swimming in Grandma Dixie's pool with cousins was a huge hit (even if it temporarily turned Peyton's hair green)! They had a good time playing with cousin Jaxon while we were there.

Logan hung out in this swing and looked like a giant baby!

The guys worked on installing sheetrock most of the day Friday. They're finishing the basement starting with the sewing room for Just In Time Quilts.

Friday night we went to an open house for Rog's cousin, Karen, and her new husband, Travis. We're so happy for them and this new family!

Saturday morning we got up early and were on the road by 6:00 am. We stopped in Grand Junction for breakfast at IHOP and then made it home in time to get unpacked and have dinner with the Riries at Zupas.

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