Wednesday, September 9, 2015


I'm the kind of person that really thrives with a routine. Summer is great, but I love that school gives a little more structure to our days. The past few weeks I've been waiting for everything to start, so we can really get into our routine for this school year. The last thing to start was Peyton's preschool and that finally happened last week. 

On Tuesday we went to meet her teacher, Ms. Dixie, and tour her classroom.

And on Thursday I dropped her off for her first day! She was so excited to go!

Her preschool is at Corbyn's Elementary, but she goes in the morning and he goes in the afternoon. I have to pick her up at the time Corbyn's class starts, but he wants to take the bus anyway. So on Tuesday and Thursday I get Corbyn on the bus and then get in the car and drive to pick Peyton up (at the same place the bus is taking Corbyn). It's a little ridiculous, but it works! It's fun to see Corbyn and Rhys hop off the bus together and run into the school. I can hardly believe how grown up that makes him seem! And also the fact that he has homework and has to read every night. We blinked and suddenly he's a big kid!

Our date night swap fell apart this summer with the Goodrich's moving, the Howard's being in Arizona, and the Wood's having a baby. Hopefully we'll be able to get it started up again soon, but in the meantime we've fallen into the routine of having a date night at home after putting the kids to bed Friday night. Last Friday night we watched McFarland USA while I painted this shelf for our bedroom and Rog worked on fellowship stuff. We got it hung up on Monday and I literally get excited to see it every time I walk into our room!

Saturday was the first BYU football game of the season. We watched it at my parents' house and it was such an exciting game! I don't think we've had such an exciting finish to a game since the famous 4th and 18 against Utah in 2007. What a way to start the season! (Bummer about Taysom getting injured and being out for the season again, but at least it looks like Mangum is going to be able to step up and take his place.)


  1. Routines are wonderful, buses are awesome, and I wish we could still swap date nights!


  2. Your munchkins are the cutest ever !

  3. Do you know how hard it is to leave a post here :(
