Wednesday, November 11, 2015


October seriously flew by! Here are some of the highlights from our month.

The kids and I ran the Cougar Run. Peyton's 200 meter race was first. I was hoping she'd be able to run it all by herself since we had been going to the track at Maple Mountain High School to train a few times a week. She got a little scared at the last minute, so Rog ran with her.

Next was Corbyn's 400 meter race. He did it faster than our practice runs and had no problem running all by himself.

I wasn't expecting to PR, but I ended up running my fastest 5K ever finishing in 22:28.

My time was fast enough to take second in my age group. Other than the years I was pregnant with Peyton and Logan, I placed every year I was in the 25-29 age group!

We played East Carolina for the Homecoming game that night and beat them 45-38.

Corbyn helped Rog change the oil and for the first time, he was actually helpful!

We drove to Heber to have dinner and FHE with the Goodrich family. Rog did the lesson on the 10 lepers. 

I came seriously unprepared for it to cool down in the evening, so they let us all borrow sweaters and Logan borrowed some of Ivy's pink pajamas. 

Rog had his first fly-out interview the same days Corbyn had off for fall break. I planned some fun things for us to do close to home while he was gone. On Thursday we hiked to Battle Creek Falls.

And then since we were close, we stopped at Wood Connection for a few minutes. Corbyn and Peyton really wanted to make something, so I let them get this spiderweb. They painted it and then I glued on the paper and spider.

We also played with Fall Playdough, watched Hotel Transylvania...

And made Pumpkin Whoopie Pies to take to friends.

Friday afternoon we went bowling at BYU. When we were paying, my friend, Ashleigh Adkins (who I haven't seen in years), came out of the office behind the counter (she's a manager at The Wall) and let us bowl for free! It was the kids' first time bowling and they had fun.

Except while we were bowling, Peyton started saying that she felt sick.

After bowling we went to Jared and Cailey's apartment to get ready for the tailgate party before the game that night. Peyton threw up in the parking lot, so I ended up taking her and Logan home and sending Corbyn to the game with Grandma. 

We beat Cincinnati 38-24, so it was a fun game for him to be at (especially at the end when we scored all our touchdowns).

Peyton threw up a few more times (thankfully in a bowl) that night and was tired/just wanted to watch shows in the morning, but perked up that afternoon.

We made our annual visit to the Red Barn's pumpkin patch.

They added a corn maze this year (and also started charging a whole lot more), but it was getting dark fast and we were rushing to fit in a few fun activities before it got too dark. 

^Apparently Logan wasn't too impressed with the big slide.

We gave in to the kids and let them get an ice cream cone after. (And I got an apple cider doughnut because I'd always wanted to and this was my last chance!)

Corbyn had his first SEP Conference. It was fun to see how far he's come in just a few short months. He needs to work on his counting (he always skips 13), but he is doing great with reading and is a model student - his teacher said she wishes she had a class full of Corbyns! On the way home we stopped to get an ice cream cone because his teacher gave him a coupon for a free one and this way, I didn't have to buy Peyton one.

Corbyn had a day off because it was the end of the term, so we had a picnic lunch at a park in Orem.

And then we ran a few errands. I was in desperate need of some new jeans, so we went to Old Navy and all 4 of us crammed into a tiny dressing room while I tried them on. 

^Logan was still trying to learn how to crawl and kept getting stuck under the cart!

^Peyton was entertaining herself by taking pictures with my phone. And Corbyn had apparently had enough at this point!

We all got to go to see BYU beat up on Wagner (final score 70-6!). It was Logan's first football game and he was all smiles!

^Our first family of 5 picture at a BYU football game!

Corbyn did great saying his part in the primary program. "Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love me." He didn't need any help and said it nice and clearly. 

He also had his turn to be the spotlight for the week at school.

All that and Halloween (which I will post about separately) made for a very busy (and fun) month!


  1. I am so impressed that you took all 3 kids to Old Navy! And that picture of all of you at the byu game is so so cute. When you move out here we can all go to the game vs West Virginia, they're playing here at the Redskins stadium ;)

  2. Whew! That was quite a month! Love you <3


  3. Shauna, you are such a great Mom...just wanted you to know that! :)

    Love to all


  4. I forgot to say how sad and sweet the picture of Peyton is. Awwww, so sorry :(
