Wednesday, January 13, 2016

First Week of December

December 1st: We decorated for Christmas inside (except for our tree) and Rog (and Peyton) hung our lights outside (while Corbyn was at school or he would have helped too). 

While we were decorating I recreated this picture I saw on Pinterest with great success.

The kids also got to open their Christmas pajamas.

December 2nd: We went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse to celebrate Cailey's birthday and then we drove through the Spanish Fork Festival of Lights. We love this tradition and are so sad we won't be able to do it next year. (Hopefully we'll be able to find something similar in Portland!)

Peyton was complaining that her stomach hurt while we were at dinner and before we went to bed, Rog discovered that she had thrown up in her bed without waking up. (Major yuck! And it was just the beginning...)

December 3rd: Pictures with Santa at CheapShots Photography. Rog took the kids because I was on our bathroom floor practically dying with the stomach flu. (My mom also had it that day.)

I had only paid for a group shot, but since they got it so fast, they took individuals for free. No crying on Santa's lap this year!

December 4th: We watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It was a good thing we had a low-key activity planned for the day because Rog was taking his turn with the stomach flu and while I was functioning, I wasn't anywhere near 100%. (This particular stomach bug didn't seem to be too bad for the kids, but it was absolutely terrible for adults! We were just grateful we got it over with before Disneyland!)

December 5th: We went to our ward Christmas party. The Primary sang a few songs, Santa visited (although we didn't take our kids to see him since they had just done that), the kids put together foam ornaments, and we ate (really good) cookies.

We also did laundry and got packed for Disneyland!!!

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