Saturday, January 23, 2016

Third Week of December

December 13th: After surviving our crazy Saturday, we took it easy on Sunday. Peyton was sick and I had told them to find someone to teach my Relief Society lesson for me because I wasn't sure if I was still going to be at the hospital with Corbyn, so we stayed home from church. After Sunday dinner, we watched the First Presidency Christmas Devotional (since we missed it the week before) and helped Grandma and Grandpa decorate their tree.

December 14th: We finally picked out our tree!!! We waited until after Disneyland because we didn't want our tree to die while we were gone and then I was planning on taking the kids on Saturday without Rog, but that obviously didn't happen. There was a pretty big storm that day, but we couldn't wait any longer. Initially it was the most uncooperative tree we have ever had - we couldn't get it to stand up straight and the ornaments kept falling off the branches - and I'm pretty sure it was because it had so much snow on it when we picked it out. But after we struggled with it and got it how we wanted, it was fine.

We also picked out presents for our ward angel tree. 

December 15th: We decorated our tree.

And took the kids to pick out their ornaments for the year. Logan got a Baby's First Christmas ornament, Peyton got a Rapunzel ornament, and Corbyn got a Megatron Transformer ornament.

December 16th: We rode Frontrunner and TRAX up to Salt Lake to see the lights.

We told the kids about how we got engaged at this spot and Corbyn and Peyton walked around holding hands the rest of the night saying they were going to get married.

December 17th: We made Christmas cookies (Peppermint Brownie Bites and White Chocolate Gingerbread Truffles) for my Dinner Group's cookie exchange.

December 18th: I helped with Corbyn's Kindergarten Christmas party. I was in charge of the senses smell and taste, so I blindfolded the kids and had them guess what different Christmas treats (cinnamon bears, chocolate kisses, peppermint patties, and gingerbread cookies) were by smelling and tasting them. After the party Rog, Peyton, Logan, and Grandma met me there and we got to watch him perform a song with his class (Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer).

We also baked 12 dozen Healthy Applesauce Oat Muffins to give out as neighbor gifts.

December 19th: We delivered our neighbor gifts.

And then we watched BYU play Utah in the Las Vegas Bowl. Utah started the game out with 5 touchdowns that came from interceptions and other flukey things and then BYU fought the rest of the game to come back, but ended up losing 28-35. (It sucked, but it kind of felt like a win because overall we played much better than Utah. Just saying.)

I also got our Christmas cards out. This might be my favorite one yet!

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