Tuesday, February 9, 2016


We've had a lot of snow this winter (perfect for our last winter in Utah!) and since Rog was home a lot during December and January, he was constantly taking the kids sledding. We have the perfect hill close to our house which makes it super convenient to just go over for a few minutes when they kids (and Rog) are sick of being stuck inside.

Even Logan got to go if he wasn't napping. And since it was so close, if he decided he was done, Rog could run him home to me really quickly.

Corbyn and Peyton are at the perfect age to enjoy this hill. It's not too scary, but also not too lame.

If the Howards were around, they'd come out and sled too.

I normally avoid sledding because I have a tendency to get hurt when I go. This is not the best picture, but it's my proof that I made an appearance on one of the sledding outings.

I'm pretty sure this bear snowsuit was the best $15 I ever spent!

Cutest little polar bear ever!

We won't miss driving in the snow or the inversion, but we sure will miss sledding and our perfect sledding hill! 


  1. We have missed that hill so much this winter! Looks like fun!

  2. It really is the perfect sledding hill.

  3. I should have joined you - looks like fun!

    Logan is the cutest little polar bear ever :)
