Monday, June 20, 2016

4 Years

Peyton's 4 year stats:

Weight: 40 pounds (80th percentile)
Height: 41 inches (75th percentile)

PJ at 4 years:

*Knows pretty much all her letters and can write most of them too. (Thanks to the wonderful, free preschool she was able to attend!) 
*Gets so mad when we try to correct her. Like, when she's singing the alphabet song, she does the beginning right, but gets a little mixed up at the end, so she sings, "Q R X T U V W X Y Z". I try to sing with her and emphasize the S (not X), but she won't be corrected. 
*For a long time she would sing, "Mango mango little star..." and would get so mad when I tried to tell her it was twinkle, not mango.
*Can count to 29, but always skips 13. (Corbyn always skipped 13 too!) 
*Went through a phase where anything anyone did hurt her feelings.
*Doesn't sleep under her covers. She sleeps on top of them with a blanket or light quilt over her.
*Always comes into our room sometime between 1:00 am and the morning. I don't wake up when she gets into our bed and just wake up to find her next to me in the morning.
*Has been calling me Mom-o.
*Loves to watch shows on the Disney Junior App on the iPod.
*Always needs a hug from her friends, Calla and Elsie, when they are done playing. When they are saying goodbye one of them will say, "hugs" and they'll run to give each other a big hug.
*Won't go to bed until she's had a book read to her.
*Always has to have 2 songs before bed and she wants me to name off options for her. Almost every night she picks I Love to See the Temple, but the other one is always changing.
*Would eat mac and cheese every single day for lunch if we let her.
*Likes to wear mismatched shoes.
*Enjoys painting and coloring.

She's stubborn, sweet, spunky, and silly and we're so glad she's ours!

1 comment:

  1. That girl is so sweet but definitely keeps us on our toes.
