Friday, October 21, 2016

Finished Room Friday: Peyton's Room

I had these pictures all ready to go last week, but I didn't get the post done since we were in Utah for BYU Homecoming and my cousin, Alisha's wedding. 

When I started these Finished Room Friday posts, Peyton's room had a long way to go and I was sure it would be one of the last rooms finished. But then Corbyn went back to school and I decided to set aside some time every day to spend with my Peyton girl. I thought we would play games or do little crafts, but Peyton wanted to work on projects for her room. She loves helping me paint and is actually quite a good little helper. With her help and encouragement to work on it every day, we finished it in no time!

I wanted to do a little girl room full of Peyton's favorite things - lots of purple, pink, and princess with a little dance thrown in too. I had fun using some of the things I saved from when I was growing up and especially loved decorating the girl room I had always dreamed of.

Peyton's room is actually a lot bigger than the room the boys share, but it has this little nook that makes it feel like a girl's room to me.

I put all of the dance things together on her dresser. A lot of them were mine.

I'm pretty sure this dance hook was in the little dance studio we had in my basement growing up. It was light pink, but Peyton and I painted it purple. I dug these itty bitty ballerina pajamas out of Peyton's newborn box. This was the very first thing I bought for Peyton when we found out we were going to have a girl. There were a few yellow spit-up stains around the neckline, but I soaked it in OxiClean overnight and it was good as new.

Both of these dancer prints are from my favorite artist on Instagram, Little Moon Dance.

This ballerina princess doll was handmade by Sew Darling. I purchased this Degas book in New York City at the Metropolitan Museum of Art when I was in high school. It's strategically placed to hide a set of plugs for mounting a TV. 

Pictures from Peyton's dance recitals. The mouse picture is not her best, but it could have been worse.

Rather than doing a separate collage for each year, I decided to just do one big collage with a picture for each year. I'll update it after each birthday.

I used the curtains from Corbyn and Peyton's shared zoo room. I would have bought another pair, but they are not for sale anymore, so I put one on each window. 

I feel like this quote is all over Pinterest. I made my own version with a picture from our wedding. (Cropped us out of it.) 

This bed is the twin version of our king bed we got last year. Peyton got the Cinderella doll for Christmas last year and Rapunzel for her birthday. I found Tinkerbell and Elsa on major clearance and couldn't resist. It wasn't planned, but I love that she ended up with all blonde princesses.

Since I painted the purple shelf that was in the zoo room gray for the boy's room, Peyton and I painted this shelf purple. (It was in our master back when we had brown, blue, and tan in there and it was blue.) I had to fix the N since it got broken in the move, but other than that we were able to use the same PEYTON letters she had in the zoo room. I love these IKEA spice rack bookshelves for paperback books. Such a clever IKEA "hack." Peyton also helped me paint them. 

As I moved things around in this room, I tried out a lot of different things on her nightstand. We ultimately decided the Savior and the temple should go there. 

I've been collecting prints for this collage wall for a long time. Little Moon Dance does these Disneybound Princesses that I just love. The castle is also hers. The dress prints are from Ritzy Rebekah

I made this print with all of our favorite princesses - including our Peyton princess and I'm assuming/hoping we like Moana since I included her.

Peyton helped me make this "a true princess" sign. I got the idea from here.

Clearly this is the princess side of the room.

A final pair of Disneybound Princesses - Elsa and Anna.

Two of the three of these frames were mine. The pink one with the picture of Peyton and Elsie was a gift to Peyton from Elsie when we moved.

Peyton and I made these blocks with pictures from Thomas Kinkade calendars I've saved.

I added a little Snow White touch to this mirror.

I wanted to do hooks for all the dress ups like this one, but I didn't have room. (We have a lot of dress ups!) I originally had them hanging on mismatched hangers here in the closet, but that bugged me a lot. It's amazing the difference a set of matching hangers ($3 from Target) made for me!

My parents stored my American Doll, Samantha, for me all these years. When we were discussing rooms with the kids, Peyton wanted to continue sharing a room with Corbyn. I wanted to do a girl room, so I bribed her with Samantha.

Peyton and I very foolishly did some touch-up painting on this kitchen while Logan was awake. It's a good thing we had an amazing spot remover on hand or I would have been in serious trouble with Rog. 

I love how my girl room turned out! It's the perfect room for Peyton!


  1. It is an awesome room. PJ also helped hang anything that we would let her. Good job.


  2. Love the room, it turned out so cute...I especially love the way you used things from your past and Peyton's baby really all came together!

    xoxo tracy
