Friday, November 18, 2016

Finished Room Friday: Master Closet

This might seem a little silly - posting about a closet - but when your closet is this big, it basically is a room. We've joked that we'll just have our next child sleep in this closet (in a full-size crib, not a pack 'n play) and while I don't think that will actually happen, it is big enough that it would be possible. 

No, I did not decorate my master closet, but there are a few things I want to show off in here that I absolutely love! (I'll try to post about a more exciting room next week, but I can't make any promises with it being Thanksgiving!)

First a shout out to this hamper that has been with us since the very start of our marriage. The lid has a corner that got broken off, but it gets the job done and it doesn't look too bad, so it gets to stay.

When we were looking at this house, Rog pointed out that I would have a place for all of my decorations in the closet under the stairs (the one I turned into a toy room). That's where they were in our townhouse and it was a major pain to have to practically unload the whole closet every month to get to the box I needed. I decided to store them up here in the master closet instead and while I do have to carry them up and down the stairs, it has been a total game changer. I'm not exaggerating at all when I say that this is one of my favorite things about this house. 

Having them on shelves makes finding the right box so easy and it worked out so perfectly how January, February, and March fit on the top shelf, April (Easter) and May fit on the next shelf, June, July, August, and September fit on the shelf below that, October and November are below that...

And December gets the bottom two shelves. Clearly I need to get a life, but I just can't get over how much I love this.

In our townhouse I boxed up the kid clothes in whatever random box I could find at the moment and then we stored them wherever we could find room in the attic or the garage. As we unpacked I saved all the "pretty" boxes and then I spent an entire Saturday going through the boxes of kid clothes and organizing them into sizes in those "pretty" boxes. Having them so accessible has already come in handy as I'm switching out Logan's 18 month summer clothes for winter clothes in size 2. 

I also made a box for boy shoes and a box for girl shoes which turned out to be pretty genius of me if I do say so myself. No more going through all the boxes to find which size I stored a particular shoe with. If I need bigger shoes for Logan I just have to pull down the boy shoe box and see if I saved shoes in the size I need. (Not all shoes made the cut as some were too worn out after Corbyn used them to save.)

One of our neighbors came over while I was in the process of organizing the kid clothes and saw all my boxes of girl clothes. She had assumed we were done having kids and couldn't understand why I was saving them. I told her we are planning on having one more kid and all my fingers and toes are crossed that it will be a girl (when that time comes). If not, we'll hand them down to Peyton's girl cousins and I'm sure our siblings will love us for saving them.  

The rest is just your average closet and nothing really exciting other than my necklace organizer. I made it to match the master bath in our townhouse which of course ended up being the upstairs bath in this house. But it didn't matter because the closet doesn't have a color scheme! 

Hooray for a master closet as big as a room!


  1. Funny the things that make us excited these days! I was so excited last week when Justin wired an electrical outlet for my kitchen island...haha, we are so very boring!


  2. I have loved all these posts but the time has is time...time for you to tell us about Life outside of Utah!
