Friday, January 13, 2017

Finished Room Friday: Guest Bedroom

When we were looking for houses, I made sure we had an extra room for a guest room. My hope was, "If you build it, they will come." Well, we've lived here 7 months and so far my parents have been our only visitors and they visited us once. To be fair, we did travel quite a bit in those 7 months and saw them and other family members on our travels, so they didn't need to come see us. We don't have any travels plans in the coming months and I'm hoping this room will get a little more use from actual guests.

We saved our old bedroom set for this room and I basically decorated it with a lot of stuff I didn't end up using in other rooms (i.e., anything brown since I used to love decorating with that color and now I've moved on to gray). I feel like that could have gone terribly wrong, but I think it came together quite nicely. 

Right now we have our WiiU in here because the TV in our living room only has one HDMI port. But we've been talking about different solutions that might make it possible to move it down to the living room because the kids can't seem to be quiet when they play and they've been waking Logan up when they play during his nap. And I end up making the bed in here almost daily because it always seems to get messed up when they sit on it to play.

These cubes were one of the very first things we bought for our apartment when we got married. I wasn't ready to part with them and was happy they could have a home here. Since I knew my parents would be our most frequent visitors, it made sense to throw in a couple bears. (My mom is obsessed with bears.) The bear print is from my favorite Instagram artist, Little Moon Dance. (Who else, right? I think I've single handedly kept her in business.) I tried cutting this family quote out in vinyl with my Silhouette, but it was too small and that was a disaster. So I figured out how to print from the Silhouette software and that worked like a charm.

I made this quilt from start to finish and it was quite the labor of love, so it was a given I would use it in here.

This Phillips family picture is now outdated as Ivy and Cooper joined the family since it was taken, but it's the best we have right now. 

I had a picture from our vacation to Glenwood Springs (taken with the timer on my camera) as the Ririe picture, but I was more than happy to replace it with this picture we took when the whole Ririe family was together this Christmas.

I saw this family sign at Kohl's and thought it would be the perfect addition to this room. In the store it looked like it would be the right blue, but when I got it home, it looked more gray than blue. So I gave it a quick coat of blue paint and the problem was solved!

Somehow in the move the furniture in here got really beat up. I was panicking because I knew Rog would never let me buy new furniture for the guest room, but it looked so incredibly terrible. Luckily I came across this Wood Finish Stain Marker at Walmart one day and decided to give it a try. It worked miracles and made the furniture look amazing again!

And that's our guest bedroom! Now who's going to come stay in it? Visitors are always welcome!!

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