Friday, January 20, 2017

Finished Room Friday: Kitchen

Welcome to my favorite room in our house. When compared to our townhouse, this room gets the award for most-improved room. Hello counter space! Hello spacious cupboards! Rog says we bought this house because of the kitchen and while I say we bought this house because it was the best house available close to our price range the weekend we came to buy a house, the kitchen definitely didn't hurt!

I love having these cupboards with windows to display our nice dishes. I bought a special rack to display our mosaic dinner plates upright. We registered for those plates when we got married and they were the start of our mint green kitchen. Only seems fitting that they be displayed in a place of prominence. 

I took the shelves out of the two bottom cupboards on both sides and put my can organizers in them. I haven't seen case lot sales here like they had in Utah and my supply is getting very low. I need to just start stocking up on cans when Winco has them at good prices. I'm just used to being able to do it all at one time.

We put a key holder on the inside of the top left cupboard door. It's nice to have a set place for them.

I made this schedule and to buy list years ago and it has been a great way for me to stay organized. I just write on the glass with a dry erase marker.

The Eiffel tower is from when I had a French kitchen theme. I still have a few French things in here, it's just a little more subtle now. I do miss my Bon Appetite vinyl and I may make one someday. And that gray canister is from IKEA. 

We had to have a mint wall and it didn't come easy. We thought we had brought a can of our mint paint from our townhouse, but when I went to use it I discovered it was one of the rejects we tested before we found the perfect color. I don't know why we kept it all those years! We had left the color swatch for the new owners of our townhouse just in case they liked the color and needed to buy more to do touchups or whatever. We had them text us a picture of it and then we went all over trying to figure out where we bought it. We thought for sure we bought it at Walmart or Home Depot, but turns out we got it at Lowe's. This picture does not do the wall justice. In person, it's the perfect green! 

I got that plate holder from Rod Works when we first moved into our townhouse and I still love changing the plates out each month. Kitchen printables from here.

This is my first time having a gas stove/oven and I like how it cooks. I don't love cleaning under the grates, however.

I've never regretted buying a mint mixer. 

This is actually a greeting card from Our Best Bites' shop. It's the perfect green and goes so well with those kitchen printables.

This bakery breadboard is from the Wood Connection. (Can't have a room without something from there, right?!) I cut out the vinyl to make it before December, but just finished it and I'm loving how it turned out.

Oh how I love having a Lazy Susan in that bottom corner cabinet. Whoever came up with those is a genius!

More canisters from IKEA. They came in a set of two. I bought the green ones when we first moved here and then last time I was at IKEA (in November) I saw that they had them in gray. It was just too perfect! Also I had to have a Little Moondance print in here. 

I only had room for a flour and sugar container in our townhouse. I'm basically in heaven having room for all the containers I want here. Rice, flour, wheat flour, sugar, powdered sugar, brown sugar, and salt. Someday I might cut out vinyl for these and I might do it in French like I did before, but we'll see. I'm also in heaven having room for my Blendtec to be out on the counter at all times. It was basically the biggest pain having to get it out nearly every morning in our townhouse.

It took us forever to decide what we wanted to do for window coverings here. We just decided we're going to do roller shades for this window and a few other windows scattered throughout the house that we haven't covered yet. We have a hot date planned to order them Saturday night, but I didn't want to wait for them to post about this room. I'll post an update when we get them hung up. 

The plants in the window are fake ones from IKEA and I love them. I love how the vases are all slightly different, but matching and I love that they are fake. Lol. Because real ones would never look that good!

Mint green flowers because I basically buy anything mint that I see. I made that menu years ago and love it still.

These magnets are on the side of my fridge and they make me so happy. Each picture was taken when they were each about 18 months old (give or take a month or two) and they all look like they could be the same kid - especially Corbyn (on top) and Logan (on bottom).

This spice drawer is basically the best thing ever. I had more drawers than I knew what to do with, so I ordered a couple spice organizers on Amazon and totally lucked out that they fit just perfectly in there. Any bigger at all and they would have been too big.

This is kind of random, but I thought I'd share how I store a few things since this has been working so well for me. These huge containers were my Grandma Ford's and I took them when we were going through her house not really knowing what I'd use them for. I used to store my sprinkles on the top shelf of a cupboard and it was so hard to keep them organized. When I was unpacking here I discovered I could fit almost all my sprinkles in one container and it's been a game changer. And having a huge container to fit all my cookie cutters has been amazing. Finally I learned from Mel that Mason jars are perfect for storing muffin liners.  

We're short people and our cupboards are tall, so this stool from IKEA gets used all the time.

I first saw stools like this on Sara from Our Best Bites' Instagram and I thought if I ever have a counter, I want stools like that in mint! Dreams come true, people! Ours came from Target, but similar stools are sold at many stores in many colors.

And that's our kitchen!

Now see that fireplace up there? See those empty nooks on either side of the fireplace? Roger is working with his Uncle Ron whenever he can to build cabinets for those nooks and they are going to be awesome, but they are also not going to be done for awhile. 

Also, I'm working hard on my craft room, but I can tell you right now I'm not going to be done by next Friday, so since the living room and craft room are the only two rooms left for me to post about, I'm going to have to take a few weeks off from Finished Room Friday posts. But don't worry, not from all posts since I'm on a mission to get caught up! 

Thanks for sticking with me through these Finished Room Friday posts! I really enjoy doing them and it has given me great motivation to get things finished.


  1. I would buy a house for that kitchen ;) We have a gas stove and I also love it, but hate cleaning it!

  2. I figure a cook like Chief deserves a kitchen like this.

  3. LOVE your kitchen! The colors all go together so well, but I bet even more I would love the food cooked in the that kitchen! ;)
