Saturday, April 1, 2017

Logan's Birthday

The week leading up to Logan's birthday Rog and I got sick with a terrible sore throat. We were miserable and only barely functioning by taking the maximum dose of ibuprofen every 6 hours. We were supposed to have Logan's birthday party the morning of his birthday, but decided we'd better postpone it since we didn't want to share our sickness and since I wasn't feeling well enough to get everything ready for the party anyway. The night before his birthday, I hung up the few decorations I had gotten ready and Rog made fun of me saying Logan wouldn't even notice or care. But look who was absolutely delighted to see his balloons when we came downstairs! (Mom for the win!) 

He loved opening his presents. From us he got the Little People Magical Day at Disney Playset (want), a Mickey Cup and a Mickey Spoon/Fork (need), a Mickey helmet (wear), and Disney Baby My First Colors book (read).

From Grandma Dixie and Grandpa Mike he got a Lego Duplo Number Train. And from Grandma Lori and Papa George he got a tricycle and Mickey & Goofy's Gas and Dine Playset.

A few of Rog's coworkers had been sick, so we just assumed we had what they had. But finally I got asking Rog questions about what they had and we decided it sounded like we had something else. I started looking up strep throat symptoms and was pretty sure that was what we had, so Rog went into Urgent Care to get tested. Sure enough his strep test came back positive, so we loaded everyone up and headed over there. Corbyn and I could be seen by a nurse (for free), but we had to wait around for a doctor to see Peyton and Logan since they were too young. My strep test also came back positive and so did Corbyn's (even though he wasn't even feeling sick), so the doctor didn't even test Peyton and Logan (Peyton would have been fine, but testing Logan wouldn't have been pleasant for anyone!) and just sent us home with 5 prescriptions for Penicillin.

When we put Logan down for his nap, I crashed on the couch while the kids were watching shows. It had been a busy week and being so sick finally caught up to me.

Corbyn's school had their big WinterFest carnival that afternoon/evening. We went even though we knew we shouldn't because we had already purchased tickets for the games and Corbyn had really been looking forward to it.

Before we drove over to the school we turned Logan's carseat around. Hooray for finally facing forward!

They had a great variety of fun carnival games.

As well as face painting.

Logan was not wanting to be put down, so Rog was a trooper and carried him on his shoulders most of the time we were there.

We used up our tickets as fast as we could and then spent the Wildcat Bucks they earned from playing the games and got out of there. Hopefully we didn't infect too many people!

A nice family in our ward brought us dinner and we just did ice cream with sprinkles and a couple candles for Logan since we hadn't sung to him yet.

The next day we stayed home from church. It was a beautiful day and we've learned that when the sun's out, you go out. So we went to the park and ended up playing a fun little baseball game as a family.

When Logan woke up from his nap we turned on a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for him. I sat down to watch it with him and ended up taking another nap!

I made him spaghetti for his birthday dinner and some easy Mickey cupcakes. He was delighted with the display, but was being a stinker and refused to try one. We didn't feel like we should share them, so everyone (except for Logan) ate a lot of cupcakes for a few days to finish them off.

It wasn't exactly the birthday we had planned for him, but at least it happened now while he's still too young to know it was his birthday. And it definitely was a birthday we won't soon forget!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you all had the sickies, it must have been miserable! However, you managed to pull of a lovely day for Logan, for that I admire you so much! Love all the pic's and hurray for Sunday baseball with the cute fam! :)

    Love to all!
