Monday, June 12, 2017

Peyton's Birthday

We started Peyton's birthday off opening presents. From us she got a Rapunzel dress and an Anna dress for Samantha (want), a princess bike (need), a Moana dress and a Little Mermaid dress (wear), and Aqualicious (read).

She also got to open her presents from Grandma Dixie and Grandpa Mike. From them she got Life Junior and Mermaid Island.

Then we had donuts for breakfast. I had gone to yoga that morning, so I stopped and picked some up from Fred Meyer on my way home. (They were unfortunately not the best, but she was happy with them.)

We sent Corbyn off to school and dad off to work and got the rest of us ready for the day. Then we went to Barnes and Noble for story time. I can't remember what book they read and what craft they did (maybe a robot?), but I do remember thinking it was too bad it wasn't a very girly book/craft that day. Some of their crafts are picture worthy, but this one sadly was not. I thought they were having story time at 11:30 at the Disney Store, so we killed time at the mall waiting for that. Peyton and Logan played at the play area...

We got her free birthday cookie from the Barnes and Noble Kids' Club and we stopped to look at the fish.

Then we went to the Disney Store and apparently they were not actually having story time because we were there on time and nothing happened, but we had fun looking around for a bit while we were waiting. I had told Peyton we could eat lunch at the food court and ride a few of the rides they have there or go home and have mac & cheese. Well of course she decided she wanted mac & cheese, but she still wanted to ride the rides. They only took cash and I didn't have any, so we went across the street to Target where I let her pick out something from the dollar spot (an ice cream sun catcher to paint) and got cash back when I paid with my Target debit card.

Peyton and Logan rode the carousel...

And Peyton rode this ride.

By then it was well past lunch time, so we hurried home to make mac & cheese and put Logan down for his nap. Peyton got to watch shows while I made dinner and her cake. For dinner she wanted Corn Chowder and Cheddar Cornmeal Biscuits. For her cake she wanted a chocolate cake with white frosting, so I made this Chocolate Cake with Buttercream Frosting. I accidentally undercooked the cake by a few minutes and ended up with raw sections in the center of each layer, so I scooped that part out and filled in one layer with pieces from the other layer. It ended up being a single-layer cake instead of the double-layer cake I had planned, but it still looked cute and tasted amazing.

We sent Rog to pick up Grandma Lori and Papa George from the airport while the rest of us went to Corbyn's t-ball game. We had missed the email saying the game was cancelled, so we got there only to find that no one was there! So we went home and waited for Rog to come home with grandma and grandpa.

Peyton opened her gifts from them (a Rainbow Fairy dress, an Amulet Princess dress, and a Seafoam Mermaid Ball Gown dress - all from the Little Adventures Outlet Sale). The Rainbow Fairy dress was an immediate favorite and she had to try it on before blowing out her candles.

The next day she got to go to Build-a-Bear with them to make Fluttershy.

Rog met us for dinner at Red Robin Express and then Rog and I left for a weekend in Seattle to celebrate our 10 year anniversary... And that was Peyton's birthday!


  1. This is adorable! I especially love the second pic of Peyton, she looks so excited! Darling girl, she can't be 5 already!

    Had to tell you too that yesterday the car in front of me coming out of the grocery store was all decked out in "BYU"...I kind of wanted to get in front of her, to show my "Aggie" swag... :)

    So happy Grandma Loralie and Papa George were able to come for a visit :) Hey, Sis!

    You are such great parents and Shauna, I don't know how you do all you do, but you are amazing! <3

    Love to all


  2. Oh, and yay for Peyton making a pony! That's my girl! :)

