Thursday, September 28, 2017

Corbyn's Birthday

Here in Oregon it's not a given that Corbyn won't have school on his birthday. This year school went until June 21st with all the snow makeup days they had to do! (It was originally supposed to get out on June 16th.) But this year his birthday was on a Saturday, so he didn't have school.

We let him open one present the night before his birthday - Mario pajamas, so he could wear them to bed and wake up in them on his birthday.

He got a Nerf gun (want)...

A Pokémon binder and some cards (need - he had acquired a pretty big collection from friends and needed a place to store them)...

A Mario shirt and the Mario pajamas he had already opened (wear), and An Elephant & Piggie Biggie! with Elephant & Piggie stuffed animals (read).

He requested cinnamon rolls for breakfast (and Rog was mad because that meant I wouldn't make them for Father's Day the very next day).

On birthdays we let the kids watch as many shows as they want, but all he wanted to do was play Mario Chess (a present from his friend party the day before) all day.

The pizzas from his t-ball fundraiser were ready that morning, so Rog and the kids picked them up and took them to the people who ordered them while I went to yoga. (I had done my long run on Thursday, so I wouldn't have to do 20 miles on his birthday, but I needed to do something.)

That afternoon they had a Lego thing at the library and Corbyn wanted to go, so I took him and Peyton while Rog stayed home with a napping Logan.

A little later we went to see Boss Baby at Mt. Hood Theatre. It's an old theatre that only has one screen, so it was only playing at one time and that time wasn't the best, but we made it work.

Corbyn had requested Sweet and Sour Meatballs (the meal my friend Megan brought us when he was born!) for dinner. We knew we were going to be hungry and ready for dinner as soon as we got home from the movie, so I cooked them earlier in the day and put them in the crockpot on "keep warm" while we were gone. They weren't quite as good as they would have been if they were fresh out of the oven, but Corbyn was happy with them.

Grandma and Grandpa Ririe were coming the next week and we had decided to have his cake while they were here. So we put a candle in some ice cream (with sprinkles), sang to him, and called it a day!

And what a fun day it was, celebrating our big 7 year old!

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