Friday, November 3, 2017

First Half of June

I keep having problems with my posts not saving when I don't finish them in one sitting, so I'm going to try to keep them shorter and more manageable. Otherwise I end up typing the same thing over and over until I actually get it done before it disappears.

Corbyn had Grandparent's Day at school and since none of his grandparents could attend, I arranged for a neighbor to watch Peyton and Logan and Rog arranged to take a long lunch, so we could both go. We were feeling pretty good about ourselves. Youngest grandparents ever! 😂

The kids really wanted to have a lemonade stand, so we set one up one day after school. I got out my Torani syrups, so it could be a fancy lemonade stand. Our street is pretty busy with high school students this time of day, so they did well. They each earned a couple dollars.

We decided it was time to put in some bushes in the backyard, so we went and filled up our car with bushes.

It was National Donut Day, so we went to get free donuts at Krispy Kreme.

And then we drove all over putting out water bottles for my long run the next day. I did 17 miles and it went well.

I had a lot of Relief Society stuff to get done (and I was pretty worthless after my run), so Rog put in all the bushes by himself.

We put a couple Forsythia bushes in our front yard. I can't wait for the yellow flowers in the spring!

The owner of the nursery loved our kids, so she gave them each a flower to plant before we left. The flowers went wild (in a good way), so this pot looks so empty like this.

He took a break from planting to take Corbyn and Peyton to a Wonder Woman activity at Barnes & Noble. Peyton loved it!

Peyton had pictures at dance. Her individual turned out pretty cute.

But she looks a bit drugged in the group picture. 

Her first real ballet bun. This mamma was so excited!

I was teaching her to read using the book, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. She needed a bit of motivation, so I told her she could earn a pony at the halfway point and at the end. This was her halfway pony. The lessons got hard around lesson 75, so we stopped there. But I have a feeling she could finish it now with no problem now that she's had a few months of Kindergarten.

You know you're training for a marathon when 10 miles seems so short!

We wanted to do a hike, but didn't have time to go all the way to the Gorge, so we explored Mt. Talbert. Such a beautiful place just 5 minutes away.

Logan was a great hiker. He'd say, "I'm ok," every time he tripped and would hop right up.

3 cute hikers!

We even saw deer which was fun!

I had purchased a Groupon for Wine and Canvas and it was about to expire, so we finally made it happen.


I was happy with how mine turned out except for the sunset in the water. 

I kept trying to fix it long after everyone was gone. Rog had to drag me out!

I did 20 miles the day before Corbyn's birthday party because I didn't want to do it the day of his party or the day of his birthday.

It was the best long run of my training. I would have been so happy with that pace if I could have kept it up for 26 miles.

And then it was time for Corbyn's birthday party, Corbyn's birthday, and Father's Day

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