Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Rest of August

For my mom's birthday on August 1st, I had made her this bear (from the Wood Connection) and sent it home with Diana and Jason while they were visiting in July to give to her.

Rog was gone the first week of August hiking 50 miles (approximately) with the scouts. We had very little contact with him while he was gone. I got an occasional text here and there that they sent out to all the parents and wives letting us know they were still alive. One day he called me when they were on the top of a mountain and he randomly had service, but that was it. It was fun hearing his stories and seeing his pictures when he got back. 

One of the scouts was having trouble and the leaders took turns carrying his pack.

Most of the scouts.

They were scheduled to get home Saturday afternoon, but decided to finish up on Friday and get home a day early. I had taken the kids to Moana in a parking lot Friday night and got a call from him in the middle of the show. I figured he had just gotten service again. He asked where we were, but didn't tell me he was home. On the way home from the movie, I checked Instagram at a light (I know, not supposed to do that...) and saw a post from one of the moms saying that they had gotten home early. I wasn't surprised when we got home and he was not very happy about his surprise being ruined! I was glad he was home, but disappointed to miss seeing him in all his mountain man glory since he had showered and shaved before we got home.

That week Peyton had a princess dance camp at her studio. Everyday they focused on a different princess and made crafts/did dances based on that princess.

Logan was throwing a tantrum for whatever reason while I was changing his diaper. Somehow he ended up climbing the wall into a headstand. 

Peyton and I were accidental twinners and had to get a picture.

Corbyn lost a took and then lost the tooth. 😂 I told him to write a letter to the Tooth Fairy and we'd see what happened. 😉

Of course she took pity on him and he got a dollar even without the tooth. (We found it a few days later buried in the carpet in Peyton's room.)

We went to IKEA one day and covered Logan in stuffed bears.

Last summer I thought I made a lot of blackberry jam, but we ran out in February, so I was determined to make even more this summer.

Making jam always reminds me of this episode of Friends.

I think this was right before I left for tap one night. Logan came over and was cuddling with me voluntarily. 

We spent a Saturday afternoon floating around Trillium Lake. It was one of the highlights of our summer.

Peyton got to dance with 3 cute girls from our ward over the summer. The best part was I got to hang out with their moms in the waiting room while she danced.

Wren Tutt, Avery Giotta, Delainey Giotta, Peyton. 

I don't remember what Logan was sad about, but isn't this the cutest sad face you've ever seen?

Our zucchini and yellow squash did well this summer, so I was forever looking for different ways to cook them. This zucchini bread was a favorite.

I wanted to make some blackberry cinnamon rolls, but couldn't find a recipe for exactly what I wanted. I improvised a little using my go-to Clone of a Cinnabon for the dough and frosting and the blueberry sauce from this icebox cake (except with blackberries). I was worried that if I didn't cook the blackberries a bit before using them as the filling, the cinnamon rolls would be soggy. They were good, but I thought the blackberry part ended up a little dry. So maybe I didn't need to cook the blackberries beforehand after all. I will have to try again next summer.

Corbyn did a track and field camp for a week. He learned how to jump hurdles, throw a javelin, do the long jump, run a relay, etc...  On Friday they had a track meet. It was fun going to watch him. If I have my way, they'll be many more track meets in our future. Or maybe cross country meets as he seems like more of a long distance runner rather than a sprinter.

One of the families in our old ward built and hosted the Street of Dreams right by our church. We wanted to go on a date to see it, but the nights that worked for date night swap weren't during the time Street of Dreams was going on. We decided we didn't want to miss out, so we took the kids with us. They surprised us by actually enjoying it. 

Some of the houses had awesome pools with deluxe grills. Rog was pretending to cook us up some hamburgers. 

Most of the houses had signs all over saying not to climb on the furniture, but a few didn't and Peyton took the opportunity to try out this bed.

Logan was the cutest running around in his little booties.

Right after seeing the Street of Dreams, we caught our flight to Colorado for our quick Colorado Trip.

Then right after we got home, I was in charge of this relief society activity. A relief society activity coordinator had recently been called, so I wasn't 100% in charge. It's funny because her name is Shannah (pronounced Shauna) and we have a Shawna on the committee. We called it Throwback Thursday because they had just done a Retro Homemaking activity the year before.

I did a gray/mint green color scheme, so we could use a lot of the decorations from my kitchen/family room. I didn't end up taking a lot of pictures. I only got a few of the apple pie (purchased from Costco) and the decorations we used on that table.

I taught the class on making French Bread Rolls. I baked up the dough I had made to demonstrate when I got home even though I still had to pack for Hood to Coast. (Couldn't let it go to waste!)

And finally the next morning was Hood to Coast. What a whirlwind week!

Sunday game time. We usually play while Logan is asleep, but Hungry Hungry Hippos is a game everyone can play!

Cutie at the dentist!

We went on a date to a nicer restaurant, Stanford's, that our realtor took us to when we were looking for houses. We loved it, but hadn't been back since. We had a coupon for a free desert and ordered the peach cobbler. 😋

I had double booked myself and also had a relief society cooking group activity I was hosting at our house that night. I made this to advertise the activity.

Only 1 person ended up coming, but I got 5 jars of jam made, so it wasn't a complete loss. As a part of the activity, I shared a quote from S. Michael Wilcox about working for something worth sealing in our marriages. Not an official source, but it can be found here

Fun times at Party City.

And that was August!

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