Saturday, January 20, 2018

2017 Goals

Here is a review of our 2017 goals.


*Read 24 books including 12 from Modern Mrs. Darcy's 2017 Reading Challenge (the fun one). Done.

*Finish reading Jesus the Christ and 21 Days Closer to Christ. I finished Jesus the Christ, but not 21 Days Closer to Christ.

*Run a marathon. Done.

*Get caught up on my blog/budget and stay caught up! The blog obviously didn't happen, but I'm not throwing in the towel. I did got caught up on the budget and then I let myself get behind again in the fourth quarter, but I'm close to being caught up again.

*Finish 3 quilts and 2 puzzles. I finished 2 quilts (and 2 pillows) and 1 puzzle. I got about half of the blocks made for that 3rd quilt and finished that 2nd puzzle just a couple days ago.


*Ride his bike to KPB (the Kaiser in downtown Portland where he works a few days a week) at least once (but hopefully more). He was working towards this goal, but then summer ended and the rain came. And then he got a cold/flu that turned into pneumonia and it was all over. He did hike 50 miles with the scouts though, so that's something!

*Learn something new (possibly Spanish or the guitar). He got the Spanish Rosetta Stone and I'd often come home from tap to find him working on it.

*Get halfway through the Old Testament. Nope. He did do a lot of scripture study though.


*Learn to tie his shoes. Done.

*Run a marathon. Done.


*Learn to read. Done.

*Run a marathon. Done.


*Learn to talk in sentences. He has a few sentences he says, but I wouldn't call this one done. Fingers crossed for 2018!
*Learn to ride a tricycle. He couldn't quite reach the pedals on the tricycle we got him, but he sure "rode" it around a lot. He can pretty much reach the pedals now, so that's another thing he can officially cross off in 2018.

Our family goals:

*Go on at least two hikes a month May through September. We didn't do our first hike until Memorial Day and we didn't continue hiking in September, but we did get out and hike a lot in June, July, and August. 

*Go camping at least once. Nope.

*Plant a garden. Done.

*Make our wills. Rog started in January and then he got to a hard part and didn't do anything about it until this January when our Legal Zoom subscription was about to run out. All we have left is to sign them and get them notarized, so I can confidently say this will happen in 2018!

*Add clothing/supplies to our 72 hour kits. Nope.

*Go to the temple and go on a date at least once a month. I know we missed the temple (and very likely date night) in November, but I'm pretty sure we got all the other months (if you count going to the Visitors' Center with the kids in July).

It was a pretty great year even though we didn't accomplish all of our goals!

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