Friday, May 18, 2018

6 Years

Peyton's 6 year stats:

Weight: 57 pounds, 9 ounces (93rd percentile)
Height: 47.5 inches (86th percentile)

Peyton at 6 years:

*Is absolutely thriving in Kindergarten. She has become quite the reader and is doing well in math, writing, and basically every aspect of school. Her teacher told me she's her favorite at parent-teacher conference. We get that a lot from Peyton's teachers (school, church, dance).
*Has good handwriting and loves that she can write words. Sometimes I think she writes better than Corbyn does. 
*Loves to dance - particularly tumbling. She can do rolls (front and back), headstands (tripods), bridges, and cartwheels. She is constantly upside down practicing some trick. Her combo class has been good for her, but I think she is ready for more. I'm excited for her to move on the the classes where they spend the full hour focusing on one type of dance.
*Is kind to everyone. It wasn't a mistake that she was chosen as student of the month when they were focusing on the character trait of tolerance and acceptance at her school last October.
*Makes friends very easily. Kinley Martyn is probably her best friend because she lives 2 doors down and they get to play almost every day.
*Loves to create. She is always making something!
*Has a hearty appetite. We've been working on portion sizes and not eating too much. She has a few meals she really doesn't like, but other than those, she always devours dinner and will have seconds and thirds if we let her.
*Doesn't request to watch shows or play on her tablet all that often. She likes when we have movie nights as a family, but she doesn't have to constantly be looking at a screen like the boys.

Things always have come easily to Peyton and that continues to be the case. Hopefully we can keep her humble as she gets older and realizes that she's pretty dang good at most things she does! 

As I did with Logan, I went through all my pictures from the last year and picked my favorites of Peyton. Some I have posted already (or will post later). Here they are in no particular order.

The school picture that I really had to earn with many calls to the photographer, driving into downtown Portland for retake day at the studio, and then more calls to the photographer when it didn't show up in the mail long after they said it would. 😳 Possibly worth it because this is a pretty great picture of her.

Lorelai Gilmore - I mean Peyton! 😂

Jedi training at Disneyland. She a girly girl, but doesn't want to be left out and can hang with the boys too.

Twinning with (free) matching face paintings from the Lunar New Year Celebration at California Adventure.

Spotlight for school. She did most of it herself.

Saddest picture, but I love it because she was crying because she was so incredibly sad Grandma Lori was going home. 

Cousin love. I love that she loves her girl cousins even though they are all younger than her by a few years. Cousin Mae.

Cousin Skyler.

Cousin Madison.

(She also has a Cousin Ivy that's not pictured.)

I had a suspicion that she was coming into our bed every night because her bed was a cheap, low-quality mattress ordered on Amazon. We upgraded her to a nice mattress from Costco and she rarely comes into our room at night anymore. So glad I was right because I never would have heard the end of it if I was wrong!

Her cute friend Wren Tutt reminds me of me when I was little and Peyton reminds me of my best friend, Amber, when I was little. Best friends a year apart in school.

She was the only one brave enough to hold a crab!

This was her signature pose for awhile after her Arabian dance.

Daddy-daughter dance. 😍

Old lady Peyton for her 100th day of school celebration. 

Pulling off these glasses like no one can!

Hanging with the boys. A frequent occurrence for Peyton!

She of course has her moments, but overall she is such a good girl and we're so grateful she's our Peyton girl!


  1. LOVE 💕 you so much Peyton 🌺 you are a sweetheart 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
