Thursday, November 29, 2018


With Easter falling on Conference Sunday this year, we had our ward Easter egg hunt the Saturday the week before conference. It was cold and rainy outside, so they moved it indoors. We had a breakfast and then they did the egg hunting in groups. First the little kids got to start and then the big kids worked with a partner and they took turns going out to find eggs in a certain order. It definitely made it take longer that way! 

They also had some games the kids could play after the egg hunt.

We wore our matching Easter outfits the Sunday before conference. Peyton wore the dress she got for her daddy-daughter dance and I got the boys polo shirts to match and Rog a tie to match. I already had a layering shirt that matched, so I wore that under a white shirt with a gray skirt. We were going to try to balance a phone on a chair and use the timer to take a picture, but Brenton Yates drove by at the perfect time and pulled over to come snap a quick picture.

We dyed eggs for FHE the next day.

I made this wreath during conference on Saturday.

We did Easter baskets Sunday morning before conference. Rog got Zelda for the Nintendo Switch and a chocolate bunny.

I got all three books in the To All the Boys I've Loved Before series and a Dumbo Tsum Tsum.

Corbyn got a Star Wars Bop-It and some Pokemon cards.

The Bop-It has been a huge hit!

Peyton got Leap! and a Belle Lip Smacker.

And Logan got the Cat Mobile and a PJ Masks matching game.

We had Orange Rolls and Orange Dreamsicle Smoothies for breakfast.

The kids and I had a coloring party while we watched conference.

And Corbyn and Peyton made Easter Perler Beads.

I wish I could say this is a picture of the kids intently watching conference, but alas it is a picture of them watching Leap! after conference was over.

For dinner we had a Costco ham.

With Honey Lime Fruit Salad and I tried a new recipe for Funeral Potatoes. (They got a little overdone because I left them in too long with the ham, but they had a good flavor.) 

For dessert, I made our favorite Carrot Cake in 2 circle pans instead of a 9x13 pan and frosted it with the cream cheese frosting from these cupcakes. I tried to do a light frosting job to make it a Naked Cake. I'm not sure I succeeded at the naked part, but it was good cake nonetheless.

My mom sent a package with supplies for an Easter egg hunt for the kids. It arrived the day after Easter, so I had it ready for the kids when they got home from school. I took videos of the kids hunting for the eggs and telling about all the fun things they found inside the eggs that I sent to Grandma Lori. (I'm not posting them here because the videos are pretty long and I don't think anyone other than grandma would be all that interested in them.) But here is Peyton with her treasures. (Didn't get a picture of Corbyn or Logan - just videos.)

It was a fun Easter!

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