Friday, February 15, 2019

August 2018

My parents made it back up to Portland and we got to celebrate my mom's birthday with her on her actual birthday. We went to Applebee's for dinner and I made her Pink Lemonade Cupcakes (at her request).

Peyton made her some cute homemade gifts.

I was able to help out with Activity Days Camp since they were going to be here to watch the kids for me. The first day I was in charge of the service project. They decorated the bottoms of socks with puffy paint to make them "no stick" for a nursing home.

The second day I helped out with the ring toss as part of field day. They also had had me make these medals that the girls got at the end of the camp. The theme for camp was the olympics.

While I was at camp my parents took the kids swimming at the aquatic center the first day.

And to JJ Jump the second day.


The July berry flavors at Salt and Straw continued into the first week of August, so we took them the last day they were available. My dad says Salt and Straw is too expensive (it's really not any more expensive than other ice cream places), so he refused to eat any, but my mom enjoyed the birthday cake and blackberries with us.

I also got my peaches canned and made into jam while they were here.

This was my longest run and one of my best paces during my Hood to Coast training.

It was perfect running weather that morning - cloudy and cool, without any rain. As I was running I thought, "Wouldn't it be great if the weather was like this for Hood to Coast." Spoiler alert: it was! 👌

That afternoon we went to my dad's Uncle David and Aunt Mary Lou's house for lunch. We were going to eat lunch at the park, but there was a miscommunication between David and Mary Lou and we ended up eating on their back deck while we waited for David to get home. Mary Lou thought he had just gone out for a walk and would be home soon, but turns out he was waiting for us at the park. 

Later that evening we took my parents to the Waterfront for a bike ride. The kids brought their bikes and the adults rented BIKETOWN bikes. 

Rog stayed with Logan while the rest of us rode the loop around the river.

I saw my mom eyeing the pink Voodoo Doughnut boxes everyone was carrying around, so we made a stop there before going home. I hadn't been terribly impressed with the other donuts I had tried there when we first moved here (and we hadn't been back), but this time I just got the regular maple bar and it was superb. 

We celebrated my dad's birthday a few weeks late with a blackberry crisp.

On Monday we made Pooh masks for Make Something Monday and then we took the kids to see Christopher Robin.

Logan was very excited about Pooh after we left the movie.

We went to get the rest of the stepping stones we needed to finish our yard.

Corbyn had put Jamba Juice on our summer bucket list, so we went there.

And apparently that was the most exciting thing we did while my parents were here! 😂

On Tuesday we dropped them off at the airport. Then we came home and did some water balloons for Time to Get Wet Tuesday.

And busted out some popsicles too.

What Park Wednesday was at our Pfeifer Park this week. We walked and I remember it being so muggy and pretty miserable! I taught Peyton how to swing like a spider with Norah Bond.

The kids and I had picked up Harry Potter shirts from Target. It worked out that they had these houses in our sizes, but they all seemed pretty accurate as well. Logan loves making a snake sound and pretending he's a snake, so Slytherin worked for him.

I'm a sucker for limited edition Cheerios and theses did not disappoint!

Logan was on a Winnie the Pooh kick for a few weeks after seeing Christopher Robin.

For Time to Read Thursday we went to Barnes and Noble and turned in the kids' summer reading logs from there. They got to pick out a book each.

The kids cashed in one of their summer reading rewards from the library (Mini Murph pizzas) for dinner Friday night and we called it Something Fun Friday.

Saturday morning we went to the garage sale at REI and scored an air mattress, a CamelBak (missing the bladder), and a camping chair.

Rog's Grandpa Phillips was in town visiting his son, Rog's Uncle Ron. They took him boating and they let us tag along. It was our kids' first time boating and they enjoyed it immensely!

In addition to the actual boat and the huge tube, they also had rented some inflatable paddle boards.

And an inflatable canoe. It was a fun day at North Fork Dam.

On Sunday we had Grandpa Phillips, Uncle Ron, and Aunt Linda over for dinner. Rog was very excited to show his grandpa or built-in shelves because he is very into wood working.

We made bracelets out of cut-up straws for Make Something Monday.

Peyton had put sundaes on our summer bucket list, so we went to Burgerville for our FHE treat. She got a caramel sundae and was disappointed. The blackberry that Corbyn and I ordered was very good.

Rog and Logan enjoyed their chocolate sundaes.

Peyton had her last day of the jazz/tap combo class she took with Wren for the summer.

We had planned a camping trip down to Crater Lake with the Bonds, but we were having major smoke from wildfires.

So we decided to go to Beverly Beach where it was less smoky instead. We stopped at the Tillamook Factory on the way.

We got lunch and ice cream there. Unfortunately the ice cream was too melty for my liking and I decided I'd stick to the kind you buy in the grocery store from then on.

We got to the coast and it was still a little smoky, but fortunately it cleared out overnight.

We had only planned on dipping our toes in the ocean, but the kids got a little more wet than that. We had to go find the showers at our campground to rinse them off. They were actually warm showers which was very fortunate because they were all freezing!

These shoes aren't meant to be worn with socks, but my feet were cold. Styling!

The kids were all very interested in watching Rog split the wood with a hatchet.

No camping trip is complete without s'mores!

We went back to the beach in the morning - this time with swimsuits on for those who wanted to get wet (Rog took one for the team and wore his).

Group picture before we took down the tents!

Before heading home we stopped at the Yaquina Head Lighthouse where we saw some whales.

Finally we went into Newport and saw the sea lions on the wharf. 

When we got home Corbyn lost two teeth before bed and the tooth fairy forgot to come.

Rog and the kids stained our deck (with much higher quality stain than we had used previously).

I finished my August door hanging.

We knew the BYU 50 drop was happening in Portland between 12:00 and 2:00, so we drove downtown and drove around aimlessly until they posted the drop location. It was right by the Voodoo Doughnuts we had been to just a few weeks previously, so we knew right where to go.

There was a good turnout and we didn't win, but it was still fun!

When we got home I did a run in the middle of the day to practice for Hood to Coast. I was running leg 9 and knew 2 of my 3 legs would be in the middle of the day. I was thinking it would be hot and I'd need to carry my own water. I ordered a waist pack with a water bottle that my sister recommended and I wanted to practice with that before the real thing. Turns out we had the most perfect weather for Hood to Coast and I didn't end up using it, but I was glad I had it just in case.

We made popsicles out of tissue paper for Make Something Monday.

The Tutts invited us to go see Smurfs: The Lost Village with them. It was part of Cinemark's Summer Movie Clubhouse where all the films are $1.

Logan went through a phase where he was taking all the cushions and pillows off the couch everyday. It was not my favorite phase.

We went to story time at Barnes and Noble and the Disney Store. The kids were quite pleased with the free bookmarks they got from the Disney Store. Corbyn also got a new lunchbox (a Star Wars one) because they were on sale and he needed a new one.

My friend, Shannah, asked me to help her with a bigger project on my Silhouette. I also had a bigger project I was needing to do for church, so I took the opportunity to buy a 12x24 mat for my Silhouette.

She had me cut out the word's to the Shel Silverstein poem, Tree House, to put on her stairs.

Time to Read Thurday. Logan really got into character as the dog this week.

I made spaghetti when we watched the Yates for date night swap. Hudson couldn't get enough of it. And I had to take a picture of him in one of Peyton's pink bibs to send to his parents.

Dixie came into town to watch our kids while we ran Hood to Coast. (I'll post about Hood to Coast separately.) This was taken Saturday night after we got home. Ironically it was Logan who fell asleep on me.

We had a pretty chill Sunday recovering from the race.

While she was here I finished the top of a pillow to go with Peyton's quilt and sent it home with her to quilt, so it would match the quilt.

On Monday we took her to Biscuits Cafe and Salt and Straw before dropping her off at the airport.

We made camping scenes with popsicle tents for Make Something Monday (except I think we made them on Tuesday).

We went to the aquatic park for Time to Get Wet Tuesday.

Peyton was finally tall enough to ride the water slides. 

We had back-to-school night coming up, so we went to Walmart to pick out new backpacks. Even Logan got one since he was starting preschool.

Third grade was the only grade that had to buy supplies this year. They had a very specific list I had to fulfill.

I decided to get some new paints while we were buying school supplies. Logan had to try them out as soon as we got home.

We had a couple books left to read from Everyday Reading's list of 100 Picture Books to Read This Summer. They were not available at our library, so we went to Powell's to read them there.

That night was back-to-school night. We found out Peyton got Mrs. Christensen (hooray!!) and Corbyn got Mrs. Boyes (meh). I hadn't heard the best things about her from Melissa (Kingston had her last year), but Corbyn was excited because every year she has a class pet. She hasn't been that bad (especially compared to Ms. Rowland from last year).

Rog and I happened to be wearing the same shirt, so we had one of the kids take our picture.

One day Peyton devised this creative reading spot.

We used a summer reading reward to go mini golfing for Something Fun Friday.

Logan's form is terrible, but he is sure cute!

We had to hurry back to get Logan to a dentist appointment. 😎

Rog and I finished this Aladdin puzzle. 😍

I finished sewing enough blocks for my Holiday Patchwork Forest Quilt, so it was time to put them in order and sew them together. It sure felt like Christmas in my craft room.

There was a sale on bark dust at Home Depot, so we bought a few bags to fill in a few spots in our backyard that needed more.

And that was our August.

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