Wednesday, June 24, 2020

8 Months

Easton is 11 months today, so it's about time I post about his 8th month. I didn't write down any notes, but I can at least record what I posted on Instagram. And the pictures and videos from the month fill in a lot of the gaps.

Easton at 8 months:

*Is crawling.
*Pulls himself up to standing.
*Was clapping for a few days. He didn't continue doing this skill for long, but (spoiler alert) has picked it back up and loves clapping at 11 months. 
*Does a little wrist wave that people think is a wave, but it was just something he did for awhile and wasn't actually in response to people waving at him. 
*Has been to Disneyland twice! (The other kids hadn't even been once by this age.)

Easton's 8th month in pictures:

Nothing better than snuggling a baby after nursing him to sleep. Asking for a friend: How many of these pictures is too many?! 😂

My sweet neighbor/friend, Erin, was so sweet to watch Easton and Logan for me one morning while I went running. (Rog had early morning meetings this week, so I couldn't go before he left for work.) Easton freaked out soon after I left and she finally got him calmed down and to sleep right before I got back. (I was only gone about 25 minutes.) 

The Yates had better luck watching him for us while we went to the temple one Saturday afternoon.

At the airport bright and early to catch a flight for his second Disneyland trip. It was a super quick trip for my birthday and he was the only kid that got to come along.

The cutest giggles in line for "it's a small world."

Corbyn fell asleep on "it's a small world" when he was a baby too.

Stroller nap champ!

Hanging out with dad while mom rode Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.

Best third wheel we could have asked for!

He got to meet so many characters on our second day and they just loved him!

We were exploring the Disneyland Hotel and one of the cast members gave him this Mickey for free because she thought he was so cute!

Applesauce (especially cinnamon applesauce) was his favorite food when he started solids. 

Woody riding Jessie's Critter Carousel.

And then meeting the whole Toy Story gang (including another Woody)!

Bath time at the Howard Johnson Hotel. It's kind of hiding in this picture, but they always have a rubber ducky in your room that you get to take home.

The Yates gave us the cute Mickey moccasins he's rocking in this picture when I was pregnant with him.


Where's Easton? Under the couch! This happened all the time.

He would roll and roll and roll until he got stuck somewhere. I don't remember any of my other kids doing this!

Getting up in crawling position...

Chubby baby rolls for days!

Finally figured out how to crawl - March 16th. He just needed some motivation (a Lego minifigure).

First St. Patrick's Day.

Hanging out on the trampoline (long, but cute video). He does his little wrist wave at the end.

First time riding in the hiking backpack. We got this for Corbyn and have used it for every kid.

This was on a hike on Logan's birthday.

We found this hat in the backpack. It was Logan's when he was about a year old. It's too big for Easton now, but I'm sure it will fit him before we know it.

First time visiting the Cherry Blossoms at the Tom McCall Riverfront Park.


First visit to the coast.

He was being fussy this day and all he wanted was a wet washcloth. They are one of his favorite things and he's always reaching for the gross ones that have been used to wipe down the counters.

Happy 8 months little man!

Realized this toy was up in my closet and got it down for the occasion. Grandma Dixie got it for Corbyn for his first Christmas and all the kids have enjoyed it.

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