Friday, July 29, 2022

Phillips Hike 100 Miles

One day just before summer last year we were sitting in Sunday School and a lady in our ward made a comment about how her daughter made a goal to hike 100 miles as a family. I thought that sounded pretty cool, so I asked the kids and Rog if they were up for that. The kids actually thought I said 300 miles and they still agreed to it. 😂 Of course they had no concept of how many miles 300 miles (or even 100 miles) is, so they didn't really know what they were agreeing to. Originally I wanted to hike all 100 miles by the end of summer, but as the summer went on, we realized that wasn't going to happen, so we amended our goal to be 100 miles in 2021.

May 31, 2021
Trail of the 10 Falls, Silver Falls Stake Park, Oregon
5 miles

We didn't do the entire path and only saw 6 of the 10 waterfalls. Someday we need to go back down and catch the 4 waterfalls we missed.

June 5, 2021
Dry Creek Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon side
4 miles

We hit a little rain and it was extremely muddy, but still a fun hike.

June 12, 2021
Falls Creek Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Washington side
3 miles

This was quite possibly our favorite of the whole 100 miles. We drove over the Bridge of the Gods to get there which was fun. (If you've read Wild, you'll know what I'm talking about.) It was an easy hike and the waterfall was just spectacular!

June 27, 2021
Neahkahnie Mountain, Pacific Coast, Oregon
3 miles

This was the first day of a crazy heat wave and I knew there was no way we could hike in Portland. We went to the coast (where it wasn't too hot yet). The view from the top was amazing. 

July 3, 2021
Timothy Lake to Little Crater Lake (and back), Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon
3 miles

 We did this same hike in 2020 except we started at Crater Lake and hiked to Timothy Lake (and back). It's an extremely easy hike. Totally flat and shaded most of the way.

July 11, 2021
Hidden Falls, Happy Valley, Oregon
1 mile

We took my parents on this short (calling it a mile is a bit of a stretch), but not easy hike. (It's super steep on the way back!)

July 17, 2021
Pittock Mansion, Forest Park, Oregon
3 miles

We did this hike on my dad's birthday with the Hobbs. It was one we've done before (and I'm sure we'll do it again).

July 24, 2021
Lacamas Park, Columbia River Gorge, Washington side
3 miles

We did this hike on Easton's birthday with Blake and Skyler. I took a turn carrying Easton. It wasn't anything special, but we got in a few miles.

July 31, 2021
Tamolitch Blue Pool, Willamette National Forest, Oregon
4 miles

This was one of the hikes I was looking forward to most and it did not disappoint. The water was close to freezing, but everyone except Easton jumped in at least once.

August 7, 2021
Latourell Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon side
3 miles

This is another favorite hike we've done a few times before. Rog had done a Spartan race that afternoon, so I carried Easton.

August 16, 2021
Silver Falls, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington
5 miles

This was the first hike of our epic summer road trip. It was 4 miles roundtrip to the falls and then after dinner we hiked down to the Ohanapecosh River.

August 18, 2021
Devil's Punch Bowl, Spruce Railroad Trail, Olympic National Park, Washington
3 miles

Everyone loved this hike. Crescent Lake is gorgeous and jumping in from the bridge was a highlight. We hadn't come prepared for swimming on this leg of our road trip, so the kids wore their pajama shorts and I ended up jumping in wearing my sports bra and Rog's shorts (he had some spandex ones on underneath) after changing in the bushes.

August 18, 2021
Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park, Washington
3 miles

We had planned to do this hike on the last day of our Olympic National Park trip in 2018, but Rog got sick, so we couldn't do it then. We were so glad we got to do it this trip. The views were just spectacular and we lucked out with cloudy skies, so it wasn't hot.

August 20, 2021
Tumalo Falls, Bend, Oregon
6 miles

A flat, easy hike. We did the 6 miles in 2 hours which was much faster than our normal pace. We had hot dogs and watermelon at the trailhead when we finished.

August 21, 2021
Paulina Creek Falls, La Pine, Oregon
1 mile

We had planned to do the Paulina Creek Natural Water Slides, but it was only 43 degrees when we woke up, so we just did a quick hike to the falls.

August 22, 2021
Fern Canyon, Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California
1.5 miles

This was a family favorite. The kids loved climbing over and under logs and crossing the stream multiple times.

August 22, 2021
Trees of Mystery Trail, Klamath, California
1.5 miles

Different than most of our hikes because it is commercialized and you take a gondola ride for part of it, but we still got in plenty of hiking and saw some incredible trees.

August 23, 2021
Simpson-Reed Trail and Stout Memorial Grove Trail, Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, California
2 miles

The longer hike we wanted to do was closed, so we just did a couple short hikes among the giant Redwoods.

August 24, 2021
Trillium Lake Trail, Mount Hood, Oregon
2 miles

The trail that goes all the way around the lake was closed at one point, so we ended up hiking one mile along the east side and then back before playing in the lake.

September 4, 2021
Moulton Falls, Moulton, Washington
1 mile

We did this quick mile loop with the Hobbs. Most of our time was spent cliff jumping and playing in the water.

September 6, 2021
Umbrella Falls and Sahalie Falls, Mount Hood, Oregon
4 miles

We enjoyed the short hike to Umbrella Falls and then continued on to Sahalie Falls. 

September 17, 2021
Timpanogos Cave National Monument, American Fork, Utah
3 miles

This is not an easy hike and the kids were troopers! Unfortunately our cave guide was terrible and ruined that part of the experience for us. Easton fell asleep and we had to carry him down.

September 20, 2021
The Y Trail, Provo, Utah
3 miles

This is a pretty difficult hike. Logan, who is normally our complainer, did awesome while Corbyn and Peyton complained the whole way.

September 25, 2021
Vancouver Lake Park, Vancouver, Washington
4 miles

This hike was so easy (totally flat and paved almost the whole way). After doing so well on the very difficult hike we did earlier in the week, Logan surprised us by having a total meltdown.

October 3, 2021
Old Salmon River Trail, Welches, Oregon
3 miles

We fit this hike in after the Sunday afternoon session of Conference. It was a very easy hike and the kids kept wanting to go back and hike it again to get in more miles.

October 9, 2021
Angel's Rest, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon side
5 miles

This wasn't a particularly easy hike, but the views were just spectacular. (They got better at every turn!) I promised the kids Salt and Straw if they didn't complain and that helped make it much more enjoyable. 

October 16, 2021
Mount Talbert, Happy Valley, Oregon
3 miles

This hike is right by our house and we've done it countless times over the years, but we started at a different entrance and that made it feel different.

October 30, 2021
Scouters Mountain, Happy Valley, Oregon
3 miles

We didn't have time to drive far for our hike, but it was a beautiful day, so we did another close-to-home hike that we've done before. We explored all the trails until we reached 3 miles.

November 13, 2021
Witch's Castle, Forest Park, Oregon
2 miles

We hiked this one with the Hobbs. I thought the kids would be more interested in the Witch's Castle, but they weren't terribly impressed.

November 26, 2021
Punch Bowl Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon side
5 miles

We did this hike with Grandma Lori and Papa George while they were here for Thanksgiving. We stayed on the upper trail and viewed Punch Bowl Falls from above because we definitely weren't going to be swimming in November. (We need to go back and do this one in the summer for that!) It was a nice hike and we saw lots of bonus falls along the way.

December 17, 2021
Wahclella Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon side
3 miles

We loved this one! We did the loop twice to give us a little extra mileage and we got to see the waterfall twice. 

December 29, 2021
Tryon Creek Triple Bridge Loop, Tryon Creek State Park, Portland, Oregon
4 miles

This wasn't the hike we had planned for our final hike, but the weather didn't cooperate, so we did this one instead. It was so cold and Easton cried for most of it, but we got it done!

December 30, 2021
100 miles Celebration

The kids talked about what they wanted to do to celebrate completing our goal for months. They finally settled on swimming at the North Clackamas Aquatic Center, a National Treasure movie marathon, and pizza from Papa Johns. 

For a few months after, Peyton refused to hike at all, but now she's recovered and will come with us again. 😂 It wasn't an easy goal and I think everyone in the family would have given up on it except for me. But I was determined to make sure we finished because I thought it was a good opportunity to teach the kids to follow through with their goals even when they get hard and seem like too much!

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