Sunday, August 17, 2008

A New Addition to the Family

My last semester at BYU I only had 2 classes for my major and 1 religion class left, so I took a sewing class for fun. I had learned to sew a little from my mom, but I wanted to learn more. After taking that class, the $100 Singer from Target that we got as a wedding gift wasn't going to cut it! So Roger let me get this little beauty for my graduation gift. It was used of course because a new Bernina would have cost way too much, but it is still AWESOME! So far I have only had time to hem a few pants, fix a shirt that was too big, and fix my bridesmaid dress for my sister's wedding. But I'm working on an apron right now and I have plans for a few quilts. We named her Sarah Bernina after a friend I made in my sewing class.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you! I'd love to having a sewing machine, they are expensive. Especially a Bernina!
