Monday, August 18, 2008

The Wedding Month

My little sister got married June 21st in the Raleigh, North Carolina temple. Now looking back on June, it seems like all I did during that month was work during the day and then wedding at night! And I think all involved would agree... What did I do that whole month?... Well, my brother and I put together a slideshow for the luncheon and reception... I turned my bridesmaid dress into a skirt and found a shirt to match it (my sister didn't pick the most modest dress)... And mostly a lot of little things that took up a lot of time, I guess!

They got married in the Raleigh, North Carolina temple because Jason's dad is a Mission President in North Carolina. We all flew there Friday afternoon arriving late Friday night. They got married Saturday morning, had the luncheon that afternoon, and then we flew home Sunday morning. It was a quick trip... Here are some pictures taken on the temple grounds

The whole group... I think we look like the cover of Friends in this picture.

The three Ririe kids

Doing my duty as Maid of Honor

The Happy Couple

1 comment:

  1. Diana looks so pretty and very happy!! Im glad you finally came on the band wagon with blogging, im sure you will love it. Its something fun to look at with desk jobs anyway!! Very cute!!
