Sunday, August 24, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance!!

At the beginning of the summer I decided that I was going to watch So You Think You Can Dance this season. I had watched parts of the other seasons, but never very religiously. I don't think I missed a single show... Some of them I had to record on TiVo (Thank you Rex and Edda!), but I watched them all! It was a great season and I think America did a pretty good job picking the winner. I was greatly disappointed that Will left so soon, but it was just because America doesn't understand technique. He wasn't the most entertaining dancer, but he definitely was the most technical dancer. I did think America got it right with Katee being the top girl dancer. She has beautiful technique and is very fun to watch. September 23rd the top 10 will be at the E Center and I will be there watching with my dancer friend Asheligh! OH YEAH!

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