Monday, August 25, 2008

Little Duckies

While I was on doctor's orders not to go running, I still wanted to get some sort of exercise. So I would get up with Rog and go on walks while he was on his run. I felt pretty lame, but at least it was some physical activity. I discovered that there are some cute little houses in Provo that I had never noticed during our runs and I fell in love with the little duckies at the duck pond. I came home and told Rog that I want a little baby duck. He convinced me that it wouldn't be the best idea because our apartment wouldn't be a very good home for a baby duck! But they sure are fun to visit, especially when they are so cute and little! I took my camera on one of my walks and tried to get a good picture of the little duckies. Unfortunately they didn't turn out the best, but here is one of my attempts!

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