Thursday, September 11, 2008

How do they do it?

Yesterday Roger and I baby sat for the Guests. Rebekah (the mom) had to have surgery on her shoulder and Bill (the dad) was with her. So we watched Jessica (2) and Bradlei (9 months). It was quite the eye opener! Jessica was great, but Bradlei cried nonstop almost the entire time! We are told that she is a mama's girl, so I am attributing the fact that she wouldn't stop crying to her wanting her mommy and not to my lack of mothering skills. Let's hope for that anyway or our kids are in trouble!!

I have always wanted to be a mom and when people would ask me what I was going to do with accounting, I would always say that I wanted to work a few years and then stay at home as a mom (maybe doing some accounting from my home). But I'll be honest, I kinda always thought it would be easy. So our experience was a definite eye opener for me as to how hard it can be! Granted we were just thrown into it yesterday and when it's our child, we'll be able to learn as the baby grows. And hopefully my babies will like me, so I'll actually be able to make them stop crying.

So I just wanted to thank my mom and all the moms out there for all that you do! It really is a lot harder than it looks! I love you mommy!

Because we were a little busy, we didn't take any pictures of our adventure last night. So I thought I would include a picture of me and my cute mom. Here we are on top of a volcano in Hawaii at sunrise.


  1. Okay, that was a tender one!

    You and Roger will be great parents and your babies will cry when someone else tries to hold them, but hopefully not grandma!

  2. Oh, it is hard, even when you have time to get used to it. I don't know how they do it either. Rebekah is super mom. But don't let that deter you. The rewards are so worth the trouble.

  3. You all are amazing. I'm sure you'll be a fabulous mom!
