Sunday, September 14, 2008

Victory by Slaughter!

In the days leading up to the UCLA game this Saturday, one of the anchors on ESPN picked BYU as the most over-rated undefeated team. I guess he's feeling pretty silly right now!! In case you missed the game, it went something like this... Touchdown, touchdown, turnover, touchdown, turnover, touchdown, blocked kick, turnover, touchdown, touchdown, missed kick by UCLA, touchdown, field goal... Not necessarily in that order and I think I missed a few turnovers in there. But you get the idea!! It was freaking AWESOME!!!

Going into the game, pretty much everyone thought it would be a close game. Last year UCLA beat us on the road and then we blocked the final kick to beat them by one point in the Las Vegas Bowl. My dad thought we would lose, and although I thought we would come out with a win due to our home-team advantage, I thought it would be close. But our defense stepped it up big time and our offense didn't do a bad job either! It was a great day to be a cougar! And even a great day to be Cosmo because it was much cooler than the season opener. Here are some pictures from the slaughter!

59-0!!! OH YEAH!

1 comment:

  1. What a game! Just for the record, I always vote that BYU will win, unlike my dear hubby, Kent!
